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My Halloween Page

Here are the ting you'll find on my page...

Wanna see somtething really scary??

The two movie maniacs battle it out for supremacy! August 15th
Get latest from the most anticipated trilogy and grestest story ever told...
Come see some guy named Matt and his journey into the strange, the beyond, and the 80s.
Anything and everything about mask making. Straight from the Indepedent pros themselves!

Updated August 11, 2003 Finally finished the and molds and have a couple of blank pulls of both. I'm going to paint them very soon, but I'm going to wait until I pour 3 more of the Dream Phantom. However, I noticed the cast on my first pull of "Babysitter Killer" the latex had som major gaps that stand out on the right side that I did not notice when I put the mask together. I have since fixed this problem on the mold but have to find a way to fix this pull. Look at the pics so far. I will add more when all are finished and painted. WARNING: Due to certain copyright infringement acts and questions raised at The Halloween mask Association board, I have chosen to name my masks other names and not after existing characters or resemblence lack thereof. As to not to violate any copyright laws.