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Welcome to the neopets "Pot of Gold With the Faeries!" room! This is the place that few know of, and those that do know of it, are filthy rich!


The story of this place:

A crew member of neopets got bored and created this program so that he could cheat the system and become the richest neopets user. He created this program. Little did he know that this little nifty program, got into the hands (or should I say, computer?) of a powerful neopets user. He, of course made millions! And he spread the program around. Every person who uses this has a different URL and I have gotten it! Just follow the directions below... enjoy!



All you got to do is click on the lucky faerie. Sounds easy... but for a security reason, the guy who created this made it so the lucky faerie changes, every 5 minutes! 

  1. Click on any faerie and it will take you to a neopets home page (as if you had just typed in, but it is fake!) and click 'sign up'. 
  2. Create an account, you have to: make it an under eight, make the password 'cheat'. once you have done that, adopt *3* pets. 
  3. Now, log out, log in, log out, log in, log out. 
  4. Go back 2 ur real account and check the bank

If it dont work you either:

So if it didn't work, try try try again! That pot of np is waiting!  

Do you recognize these pictures? As you may have guessed, these are the neopets faeries! One of these cool faeries is the Lucky Faerie