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All the pictures I take which I decide are worth showing people are gonna be put here, including the party and a couple of videos from the snow-day (which wasn't really a snow-day)

Luke's Party (18/08/04)

Amy's Party (18/08/04)

Paneche's 18th

Day before leaving day (27/05/04)

Leaving day (28/05/04)

Party (31/01/04)

Cool videos - now with fighting baboons!

Music tech recording photos - These will be of absolutely no interest to anyone not doing music tech and needing photos.

Random pictures


Listen to a choone I've been workin' on, it needs lyrics but I can't think of any at the moment. I'm open to suggestion. In fact, I'll start a competition: Whoever comes up with the best lyrics gets the honour of me usin 'em...and they also get a lifetime's supply of dehydrated water.

Here's another song...well I say song but again it has no lyrics so its more of a choone. Anyway, enjoy!

Sorry about all the adverts, its what happens when you use free webspace

Look at James' pictures on

Look at Chris' pictures on

© Dominic Food 2004. All rights reserved.

A word to copyright holders - soundtracks to some videos use copyright material.