Troubles and sunny days
It's a warm and sunny day. The warm spring air circles around you and embraces you in a gentle hug as you find yourself driving down a deserted dirt road. On either side of the road, farmland stretches out for as far as the eye can see. Your about to turn up the radio as your favorite song comes on, when your car makes a funny noise. Checking the gauges, you see that your running out of gas. You frown as you wonder how that could have happened since you had gassed up only a few hours ago. This thought circles your brain as you pull over to the side of the road and, with a deep shudder, you feel the car shut down. No worries,you think to yourself. You remembered that you had a gas can in the trunk. You get out, open the trunk, and find that the can is empty. You frown again as you specifically remember that you filled it up at the same time that you filled up the car tank. Closing the trunk and leaning against the side of the car, you whip out a cellphone and go to call a tow truck. However, just as soon as you can get the number in and are about to hit the "Send" button, your phone lets out a shrill beep and dies. You let out every curse that you know as throw it into to car and ponder what your next move should be. After a few minutes, you simply stick your hands into your pockets and start walking down the road. After walking for a mile or so, you feel your good mood returning. However, no sooner than you get it back, dark storm clouds start to roll in. You take a look to the sky and feel a raindrop splash in your eye. You pull your collar of your jacket up, and start to walk a little faster. But before you know it, the sky has opened up and is pouring every drop of rain directly on you. You break out into a run; eyes scanning the horizon for a shelter to duck into. With a particularly bright bolt of lightening, you see a large house in the distance. After running for what seemed like forever, you find yourself standing on the porch, rain dripping from your hair and clothes. You wring a little of the water out and proceed to knock on the door. A shuffling sound approaches the door and then it opens with a slow motion. You look in, but see no one. Stepping in cautiously, you look behind the door to see that no one is there either.

"Hello?" You call out. Your voice echoes around the large house, but no one answers your call.  You come further into the house, and as you do, the door swings shut and locks silently. You look around, noting the dust that covers the wood staircase and railing and the darkness that seems to be quickly surrounding you. Suddenly, off to your right, a light flares into existance. You turn and see that it is illuminating a door with a metal plate in its center. You go forward in order to better read it.


You feel your curiosity mounting. Slowly, you reach out and open the door...