
Summary: alright I'm sort of stuck in this Season One thing right now so here is another P/J hook up story that takes place after Double Date: Modern Romance it starts at the end of the episode and then goes off after that, I think it's going to be a two parter so stay tuned.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


Pacey smiled inwardly to himself, he had the green light.  The only hurdle left to jump was Joey.  Asking Dawson was hard enough and now he had to deal with the possibility of rejection.  Joey had given him so many signs though; she hadn't insulted him for at least two hours and had in fact complimented him in her kitchen earlier.  Then she gave him this look when they were talking about their futures; this look that said 'I don't hate you as much as you think' with a dash of 'maybe I even like you.'

The day that he had dreaded, the day from hell involving sludging through murky waters and searching for horny snails had become one of the best days he had had all year.  And these feelings he suddenly had towards Joey didn't surprise him as much as he thought they would.  They were alike in so many ways, they were witty, stubborn, and outcasts from the wrong side of the creek.  What's the worst thing that can happen? he asked himself as he pulled into her driveway.  Rejection, there was a hugely large chance that she would reject him and he wasn't sure if he could handle it.

"Well am I going to have to fail another midterm or can we do this again sometime?"  Pacey asked swinging his arms nervously as he followed Joey to her porch. 

"Well we still have a report to write and I'm pretty sure we're going to be spending a lot of time together." 

"Actually that's not what I was talking about, Joey."  He slowed to a stop as she turned to look at him confused. 

"Then what did you mean?" 

"Well," he paused putting his hand to her hip.  With much success he continued, "let me put it to you this way…" He leaned in brushing his lips over hers kissing her softly. 

"Pacey!" Joey exclaimed laughing it off nervously.  "What the hell was that for?" 

Pacey joined in on the awkward snicker.  "Well if I have to explain myself it obviously didn't have the desired affect." 

"Why in the world would you…well I guess I know why you would…why would you?"  Joey stuttered still piecing together the past minute. 

"I had a nice time today.  A nice time that exceeded my wildest expectations.  I was, I was confused, and surprised" his voice squeaked slightly, "…and attracted.  You?" 

Joey stared off by her feet; she had spent all of her time sorting through her emotions for Dawson over the past few years of her life and rarely ever considered Pacey a contender in her relationship contemplation folder.  "Well… confused and surprised."  She offered trying not to hurt his feelings. 

"Not," he trailed off his eyes downcast as he realized how stupid he was to think he had a chance. 


He let out a sigh shaking his head.  "That's okay; I can deal with rejection pretty effortlessly."  They stood in silence looking at anything but each other.  "So long as we don't extend this really awkward moment any longer then we have to." 

Suddenly she found herself stepping back towards him, this sudden magnetic field drawing her towards him after feeling him so close before.  "Goodnight Pacey," she said shaking off the feeling.  "I had a nice time too today."  She offered him a smile drawn back into his gaze as she turned to walk away, Damn his eyes are blue she thought to herself as she started up the stairs. 

"Jo," she swung around nervously looking back at him still standing where she left him. 


"By some slim chance if you would have kissed me back, you would have probably been thinking of someone else, right?"  She pursed her lips almost laughing bitterly as she looked back down at his wondering eyes.  Of course he would bring up Dawson.  She didn't answer him turning back to her door and walking inside. 

Looking through the kitchen she stopped at the sight of the clothing they had left hanging off the chairs to dry.  She laughed to herself imagining Bessie's surprise if she had come home to find not only Joey's outfit but the sweater, jeans, and boxers of an adolescent teenage boys spread sporadically through out her kitchen.  She probably would have raced to her bedroom brainstorming up a holy hell only to be pleasantly surprised. 

She picked up Pacey's cream and burgundy sweater, the material still slightly damp from the afternoon.  She brought the article to her nose smelling the salt of the water, the cologne he had applied probably in hopes of picking up a girl after their wild snail chase, and the faint yet distinct smell of Pacey.  Joey smiled folding the sweater and setting it on the table.  She then picked up his denim jeans folding them as well and placing them over the sweater.  Lastly her fingers trailed over his blue plaid cotton boxers lingering for a moment. 

She shook her head pulling her hand away.  This is Pacey! she told herself shaking her head.  Her feelings for Dawson hadn't fluctuated, how could they, she had spent most of her teenaged years trying to understand how he couldn't notice her and the chase only made her want him more.  But suddenly she had Pacey offering himself to her, kissing her and telling her he was attracted to her.  The look he had given her after she told him she was only confused and surprised made her flinch, all hope that he had in his eyes draining in mere seconds.  But she told him the truth; after he had kissed her she was, well, confused and surprised. 

She was surprised for obvious reasons.  Her sworn and mortal enemy had kissed her which was plenty of fuel for a surprised reaction.  But the confusion was a more cloudy response.  When he kissed her it brought a new feeling, and she was confused by that.  Butterflies, his kiss had given her butterflies and that confused her. 

Joey picked up the pile of Pacey's clothes as she thought for a minute before heading out the door. 


"Pacey!" Dawson began walking into the video store.  "I figured you'd be here.  Listen, what we talked about before, what you asked me, I changed my mind, I don't want you to do it." 

Pacey sat reclined in his seat, his feat propped onto the counter.  "First off, you're going to have to refresh my memory so we're on the same page here."  He teased. 

"You know what I'm talking about." 

"Joey?  You don't want me to kiss Joey?  Whoa, Dawson you seem a little worked up.  I don't know how to break this to you." 

"Break what to me?"  Dawson asked his expression falling. 

"You're a little late." 

"You kissed her?"  He said almost to himself. 

"Oh yeah," Pacey began getting out of his seat.  "Not only that, she kissed me back.  Right there in the back of the Witter family truck."  He turned away beginning to organize the videos.  "We played tonsil hockey for about an hour.  She invites me in but it was a little late, so I didn't.  She's cooking for me tomorrow night."  Pacey stepped into the back room still rambling behind the door.  "She said she's always wanted to cook for the right man."  He peeked his head through the door shrugging, "I guess she's found him.  We're thinking about heading to this cozy B&B up the coast."  He said approaching the counter again reclining back into his seat as he folded his arms across his chest smugly.  "Spend a little quality time this weekend." 

Dawson stared at him blankly for a moment.  "You're so full of it." 

Just then Joey walked through the door of the store a surprised expression hitting her face as she noticed Dawson.  "Oh yeah?  Hey sweetheart I was telling Dawson about our little rendezvous from earlier." 

Joey smiled nervously her eyes shifting between Dawson and Pacey, "Really?" 

"Uh huh, when you jumped me on the stairs of you house." 

Joey shook her head a smile escaping the corners of her mouth, "Oh yes I saw fireworks it was amazing.  In fact I was just coming here to pick you up because Bessie's not home and I need you." She said sarcastically. 

"I thought we were waiting till this weekend," he said lifting his feet from the counter and leaning over it with a flirtatious smile.  "But you've twisted my leg, give me five minutes," he finished with a wink. 

Joey blushed her heart fluttering by the wink he gave her.  "Actually, you left these at my house," she said holding up his boxers. 

This time Pacey turned a shade of crimson as he looked over at Dawson whose eyes widened staring at the flimsy piece of cotton that dangled from her hand.  Pacey pursed his lips together fighting off the escaping smile as he took them from her, "I did didn't I?"  He asked his suddenly shy gaze burning through her. 

"Yeah," Joey said absently lifting up the folded pile in her hands, "and these too." She placed it on the counter ripping her eyes from his.  In all her fifteen years she had never got caught in his gaze, but suddenly she was drawn to it. 

"Miss Potter," he said in a husky drawl, "do you believe in love at 8 millionth site?"  He joked offering her a sheepish grin. 

Joey leaned over the counter a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, "Not until I met you." 

Pacey reclined back into his seat looking back up at Dawson, "See, I told you she wants me." 

Joey rolled her eyes absently pushing at Pacey's feet as she directed her attention back to Dawson, "So how was Operation Dilapidation of Jen's Chances for Future Endearments?" 

"Not so good," Dawson replied shaking his head in defeat.  "After our argument on the Ferris wheel I'm not sure if Jen will ever speak to me again." 

"What happened?" 

"Well I called her on her need of space from men, you know her date with Cliff and all and she basically said she dumped me because she didn't like me."  Dawson shrugged.  "Now we're back in the awkward post breakup bitterness.  Only bright side is that I may have sort of got her to say that she still wanted me." 

"Did she say that?" Joey asked raising a brow. 

"Not exactly, but she didn't replace it with a statement to the contrary." 

Joey let out a sigh, "Well the fact that she didn't throw you out of the wagon of the Ferris Wheel after realizing that you had been stalking her and using other peoples emotions at your disposal surprises me greatly."  She huffed bitterly. 

"Well I wasn't exactly using Mary Beth." 

"Crush on Cliff?"  Pacey chirped in. 


"She's a smart one that Mary Beth," Pacey said shaking a finger in Dawson's direction. 

"That's pathetic," Joey said rolling her eyes.  "Can two people have a general amicability towards one another and go out on a genuine outing with positive circumstances?  Or is this just one of the down sides to living in a small town?" 

"But Josephine, then high school melodrama would be so unentertaining and we'd be subject towards schmoopy attitudes and way too much hand holding."  Pacey replied shifting in his rolling chair and leaning against the counter on his elbows.  "Unless you're insinuating that you want a relationship?"  He asked crooking his brow. 

Joey reached over pinching his cheek, "Aw, you hide the hurt so well." 

"You provided me with nothing but pleasure," he replied, his eyes turned dark as his lips curved into a devilish grin, his cheek still between her forefingers. 

She blushed slightly quickly regaining her composure.  "Bite me."  Pacey curved out of her grasp nipping at her wrist.  "Ow, Pacey!"  She said shaking out her hand. 

Pacey turned to Dawson; "I can never win with this woman." 

"Um," Dawson said uncomfortably, "am I intruding at all here?" 

Pacey and Joey snapped up straight turning to Dawson confused, "No what are you talking about?"  They said in almost unison. 

"Nothing, nothing," Dawson said chuckling nervously, "it's just suddenly I felt extremely out of place." 

Joey stepped back, "Well don't worry I was just leaving anyway." 

"Are you coming over for a movie?"  Dawson asked shifting slightly. 

"Um, can I take a rain check?  It's been a long day and I'm still all salty smelly and stuff, I just wanna take a bath, get through any Alexander duty, curl up and go to sleep."  She battered out walking towards the door. 

"All right, night Jo," he said after her. 

"I'll call ya, Jo," Pacey called out. 

"Why would you do that?"  She asked with a confused look. 

"To finish the project," he replied delighted that he was having an affect on her. 

"Oh yeah, right, right." 

He watched her open the door fumbling with it slightly, smiling to himself.  "And Joey," he called after her as she glanced over her shoulder at him.  "Sweet dreams," Pacey winked as she shook her head walking out the door.  He reclined back into his chair crossing his feat resting his hands behind his head and whistling a tune.  Dawson starred at him in disbelief, "What?" 


"Hey Dawson," Joey said climbing through his window. 

Dawson lay on the foot of his bed watching his televisions closely.  "Oh hey," he said shifting slightly, "I thought you weren't coming." 

"Yeah well I figured you were having a bad day and could use a little pick-me-up."  She replied perkily as she bounced onto his bed. 

"You're in a surprisingly good mood," Dawson commented through furrowed brows.  "Why would that be?" 

Joey shrugged still contemplating it in her head, she couldn't quite tell if it was the fact that Dawson and Jen had inserted another nail into their coffin or because Pacey had kissed her.  She shook it off chuckling nervously, "Just my usual weekend glow I guess.  So, uh, what's on for tonight?" 

"His Girl Friday," he let out with a sigh. 

"Well I guess you can't stop fighting for the person of your dreams," Joey said falling against the headboard. 

"No," he trailed off staring off at the floor, "especially when they mean so much to you." 

"She doesn't want to be with you right now Dawson, you know that right?" 

"It's so complicated between her and I.  She told me she needed space from men only to run into the arms of some…foot ball player." 

"I think you need to reassess your options here Dawson.  She's not the only female in Capeside, and I'm sure with your charm you'll be able to find someone new.  Why is it so important for you to get her back?  Does she really mean as much to you as you say she does?" 

Dawson thought for a long moment sitting up to look over at Joey.  "Like I said, everything between Jen and I is so complicating.  I wish it was easy," he paused meeting Joey's gaze, "like with you.  I wish Jen and I could talk like you and I can." 

"Why would you want that with someone else when you already have it?"  Joey asked. 

"I don't know," Dawson replied shaking his head redirecting his attention to the screen as Joey let out an exaggerated sigh. 



"Is what you and Jen have real?  Or is it just something you're blowing out of proportion for your imagination file?" 

He glanced back over his shoulder at her.  "What Jen and I have is completely different from what we have.  I'm not sure if she and I were meant to be platonic or if she's supposed to be the love of my life." 

"Well what do we have?"  Joey asked rubbing her shoulders suddenly terrified to be sitting here with her best friend. 

A grin tugged at Dawson's mouth as he let out a breath, "Something amazingly special." 

Joey could tell that she was grinning like an idiot and wiped her hand over her mouth to try and hide it.  Was that his declaration of attraction?  Or his declaration of undying friendship?  Whatever it was Joey was content.  She nodded at him, "Let's just watch the movie." 


"Potter you truly are a basket case," Pacey said resting his feet atop the parallel bench in front of him. 

"And why would you say that?"  Joey asked sitting across from him her feet resting beside him. 

"Is all this work really worth the two lousy points?" 

She shrugged, "Well I was ready to surrender the other day but after analyzing this I decided that I wasn't doing it for myself anymore." 

"Who were you doing it for then?  The snails?  Because trust me I'm pretty sure they won't become extinct because we couldn't get two of their comrades to do it." 

"I wasn't talking about the snails, Pacey, I was talking about you." 

"Me?"  He asked looking up from the doodles that were decorated around the data Joey demanded him to record. 

"Yes you, I know you Pace and I know that you can do much better then a 38." 

"I'm honored you care about my scholastic achievements." 

"Well I was thinking of the term 'Leave no man behind' and I figured when we all graduate, it would really suck to leave you here working as the local gas station attendant." 

"And here I thought you were being selfish by keeping me all to yourself this weekend." 

Joey smiled at him nodding her head slightly.  "Well there is that too."  Joey let out a deep breath looking back down at her notes.  "I'm glad that I can talk to you," she said suddenly. 

"I am a wonderful source of entertainment," he replied with a shrug. 

"No, the fact that we can go from mortal enemies to good friends seamlessly back and forth with out all those awkward moments." 

"Yeah," he said looking down at his feet letting the soft sound of the waves rocking against the boats in the harbor fill the air around them.  After a moment he looked back up his eyes meeting hers a conspiratorial grin crossing his face. 

"Pacey," she said rolling her eyes pushing at his feet propped next to her. 

"Oh it's on now," Pacey began grabbing her feet and placing them in his lap pulling off her shoes.  He then proceeded to tickle the souls of her feet occasionally working up her ankles. 

"Stop, Pacey, stop," Joey squeaked squirming out of his grip. 

"What you don't like my foot massages?  Jesus Potter, you're so needy," he joked playfully. 

"We're crossing Swedish Spa Employee off the list of possible occupations," she said through giggles. 

"But I play great in the mud," he said with a wink as he slowed his fingers movement. 

"Keep daydreaming Witter."  She responded as his fingers hit a rhythm gently circling on the bottoms of her feet.  Joey watched him thoughtfully as he stared intently at her feet his tongue peeking out from between the corner of his lips as he concentrated on his movement avoiding the pressure points that made her flinch.  She marveled at the softness of his touch, the way his hands felt against her skin.  The warm contact of his fingers sent chills throughout her body, this feeling of vibrant life.  She pulled her lower lip between her teeth as she stared at the contours of his face, the baby fat that once lined his complexion had chiseled down to a much broader jaw line, the faint roughness of where he had shaved that morning glistened in the light.  She suddenly fought off the urge to lean forward and run her hand down his cheek.  Shaking her head she folded her arms over her chest, "Pacey quit stalling." 

Pacey glanced up, his deep blue pools dark and mysterious, "Not until you admit that my hands are a gift from the cosmos." 

"It feels wrong to lie to you that way," she answered playfully.  "Now time to get back to work." 

He shook his head dropping his feet from the bench in front of him, "I suggest we try a new experiment, just for a change of pace." 

"What is this desired plan?" She asked raising a suspicious brow. 
"Well," Pacey began running his hands along her ankles his voice husky as he moved them over her jeans.  He had hoped this attraction he had towards her was a brief momentary lapse of judgment some spark the night before that was only fueled by seeing her bare back.  But then after he had kissed her the rejection really hurt a nerve, he was genuinely upset.  His hope sparked when she came over to the video store that same night and paid more attention to him then to Dawson.  If she wanted to see Dawson she would have gone to his house, but she went to his place of employment during his shift, with his clothes.  Then suddenly their banter turned into flirtation, evil glares turned into something of desire, and Pacey could runs his hands up her legs and still have a head on his shoulders.  She definitely was wrecking his head. 

Licking his lips he continued kneeling onto the ground and working his way between her legs his hands resting on her thighs.  Their eyes didn't break from each other's as he leaned towards her.  "I think the romancing of snails is getting a little boring," he whispered, his breath hot against her lips. 

Joey froze, tensing under his touch.  She stared at him confused as she brought a hand up smoothing it over his cheek.  He smiled tilting his head up to kiss her as she stopped him holding his head still.  "I talked to Dawson," she blurted out, the first thing she could think of to change the mood. 

"Really," Pacey said biting back his lip in a perturbed fashion as he sat back on his heels.  "Sounds interesting." 

Joey looked down at her hands, Wrong thing to say she thought.  "Yeah he was babbling about Jen, but that's not important." 

"I know how you feel," he replied bitterly releasing a sigh.

"Um, Pace?"  She asked looking back up at him.  "Why did you kiss me last night?" 

He patted her knees a few times as he sat back on his bench across from her.  "Testosterone induced glitch, I guess," he shrugged trying not to look hurt. 

Joey nodded, "Well I thank your raging hormones." 

Pacey's brows knitted together, "What?  Why?" 

She offered him a shy smile swaying back and forth a bit, "Because I like this, you being my friend rather then my mortal enemy." 

Letting out a small chuckle he nodded, "Friends are good." 

Continue to Part 2