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WATF the art of pwning
A definitive guide to all those who dislike roleplaying and wish to cause premature balding by being an annoyance to roleplayers.

No.1 The Dewd

By taking on the aspect of the Dewd, you embody much of what isn't cool in the minds of roleplayers. You should by now be familiar with the basic elements of MMORPGs, since "WATF, the art of pwning" is for advanced pwners only. Clothes, items you can hold in your hand, hairstyles and colour. All these are your weapons. Go for the most obscene and repulsive shape and colour combinations. Preferably name your character after the currently most popular rap (retards attempting poetry) artist. Never type a coherent sentence - press enter after each word. Use as much internet lingo as possible. You should consort with several hackers and/or people who have the game mechanics down, so your character will be able to overpower several roleplayed characters. This will allow you to ruin roleplay events by WATFpwning them all.

No.2 The Dewd in Disguise

While the Dewd is your cookie-cutter, everyday pest, the Dewd in Disguise is something that requires skill. It actually involves you, my dear pwners, engaging in roleplaying. Needless to say that this aspect is strictly for those with the mental discipline required to endure such exposure. Those of weak will may find themselves transforming from the scum of the internet to decent people, and that is an event every pwner should regard with horror in their hearts, for it means that one of us, one of our brothers or sisters (as if), has become the very enemy of us, the pwners. Onwards. The Dewd in Disguise is, in short, a pwner posing as a roleplayer. There are many reasons for doing this, some of which are the possibility of converting potential pwners, sowing discord amongst the ranks of the roleplayers and perhaps ninjalooting the belongings of several roleplayers, if enough trust is gained. You should adhere to the standards of the roleplayers, as disgusting as that sounds, so that you fit in. This will mean goodbye to... well, you won't actually have to drop much, since roleplayers these days are loose with their standards and fancy playing daemon/drow/celestial/orc/gerbil characters that come very near to our own lameness.

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Words cannot express the brilliance that is YTMND.
A great cure for boredom. Or perhaps a side effect of boredom.
Political and general insanity in comic form.
Dictionaries. More dictionaries. Must have.