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Mikey's Web Page Aint it great


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hmmm what to put on here................ oh i know

Mikey's Homies

poetry in motion - poems about my freinds!



Aaron Dick (DJ DICK mixin it up old skool) i have known him many much long time. he is an awesome skateboarder he is like whoa! krazy he is one very tall mofo for only bein 16 he is like 6' 3". he is a dork and likes chips alot i think he will marry them or turn in to a big chip, he also likes my mommies salsa mmmm it is good he always asks for it. me and him go work out WHOOAH! at 24 hr fitness the place to be. yup thats aaron

BoYd- (boydon, Boydo, boydatron, brrrrrrrr boi boi) HA! boyd is a pretty cool dude he loves jones like ME! and GIOVANNA  okay any whoo boydon is one crazy mofo this one time we were doin sumtin i forget and we were all in the car and boyd distracted me and i ran two red lights it was his fault :( grrrrr oh well oh ya we also this one time were in canada and this kid jordan spanked his monkey to some breast enhancement commercial and boydo caught him ewwwww that is gross!!

Zach Klassen- he is not cool person but then again can be u see zach is much like a women on pms his mood changes so very often and sometimes hes cool and other times hes a bitch he alternates and i am nice enuff to give him chances i feel bad for him :(

Senchal- she is my good freind that goes to kamiak w/ me but she used to go to evergreen and then left but  found her here and it was like whoa but ya she is super nice and she gives me back rubs and hugs and it is cool because she is a model for import cars and she is really hott she is asian but looks mexican like a white mexican ya she is pertty though.

Steph- steph is a new freind she is pretty and i just met her she likes old skool and eighties stuff and like shoes like me and we went shoe shoppin in seattle and we are gonna getr the same shoes the ipaths that are made out of hemp they are super wicked ya and she lives in mukilteo too YAY!!

Shari-- oh shari, i am in love w/ that girl she is super awesome and a whole lotta coolness she is a very open free spiriteds chik and she skate boards too!! MAJOR TURN ON! i like punk chiks and she is one she told me she likes me alot too but i never get to hang with her unless her our parents are around and it is not cool i cant show her the kindve person i am so tha she can get to know me better i love her!!

Lyndi- she is sharis bestest freind and is much like shari and is punky as well but is not as pretty as shari, now i did not say that to be mean but to make a point that i am kindve attracted to her and it is because she is so much like shari wich proves i dont just like shari cuz of her looks it is because of her special qualities :) if that made any sense

Gio- gio is my freind because boyd loves her and so i like her alot as well ashe is weird but in  a super cool way she doesnt csall me any more i guess i am not good enuff for her any more- fernie is sad, oh GIGI :(

Too many freinds to talk about so i will just list them

marina not really freinds i dont think but a cool chika

leigh- i like her she is silly

SAM - super cool chik she is fun to annoy

sam z the skatin asian

neil W- boydos brother but more like mine

Ray-chull - a hot chik who i get it on with occasionally

judith- awesome chik i broke her car window cuz she left her keys inside w/ the engine running she has my gun shaped lighter, but gave me some RAVE candy!!YAY!!

Robin and karlee two hott chiks that go to sno isle with me and always ask me to hang but i never can cuz of my situation and schedule.

derek- the man

DRAPER- the man as well

too many ahhhhhhhhhhhhh cant think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

squirrels in ur diapers RUN!!