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I am DEBRA LEE CARR. I was born on April 29,1981. I'm a CONVICTED THIEF (TDCJ#845478) WHO STOLE $27,000 FROM MY OWN FAMILY and was sentenced by a Harris County Texas court on 11/03/98 to 10 years in prison. I was also convicted for a SECOND CHARGE of INTOXICATION ASSULT for injuring an innocent lady I hit in my truck, while I was drunk and received a SECOND 10 YEAR SENTENCE to run concurrently with the first 10 years. I AM CURRENTLY ON PAROLE - Released September 4,2002 from the TEXAS DEPT of CRIMINAL JUSTICE for 6 years until August 17,2008, to complete my 10 year sentence.

But that's not MY REAL SECRET


I AM RIGHT NOW IN THE PROCESS, along with my boyfriend MATT of currently stealing over $3,100 from a friend(benefactor), who has stood by me without question; given me nothing but solid support and helped me repeatedly without ever asking for anything from me in return.

The reason I have created this web site is to say to the world, that even after almost 4 years in prison - I AM STILL A THIEF. Going to prison didn't teach me anything. Prison was a joke!! I'm living proof - THE PRISON SYSTEM IS WORTHLESS IN THE STATE OF TEXAS!

I have written several bad checks on the Southwest Bank of Texas, but the bank wrote-off my bad checks; as a bad debt; since they had paid them with over-draft protection on my account; HOWEVER I never paid them back. They didn't prosecute me because I'm just a petty thief and it wasn't but several hundred dollars; so it wasn't worth their effort. They just closed my account and eliminated any possibility of my ever doing business with them in the future. See? - If you just steal small amounts you can get away with petty larceny too!!!

I also wrote my benefactor a few bad checks to cover money he loaned me. They bounced because the account was closed!

Wait till you hear this! - I got a consumer loan with BANK ONE with which I bought & paid for a 1992 Subaru Legacy, so I could get a job and drive to work. My benefactor made the deal and saved me a lot of money on buying the car; so I didn't get ripped off and arranged the loan, since I had no credit getting out of prison.

After all his help and kindness-

I quit paying the loan in MAY after my boyfriend MATT and I bought a 2002 Impala from Landmark Chevy in Houston using my credit newly established at Bank One, to establish credit for a new loan through Landmark where MATT was a car salesman. To this day I'll bet they have no clue MATT & I pulled off this scam. We used my paid for 92 Subaru for a trade-in. I then LIED repeatedly to my benefactor saying that I was paying every month on the loan when I wasn't. REMEMBER - I stole money from my VERY own family, so lying to a friend and ripping him off is no problem.

Since my benefactor had put up money on deposit in the bank to guarantee the BANK ONE loan I had; WE figured we'd just screw my benefactor out of his guarantee money; SO WE DID! Since I stopped paying the Bank One loan after the May installment;of course Bank One called the loan totally due in September, after I was 120 days delinquent & took all my benefactors loan guarantee money. Pretty slick on my part huh?

However, my benefactor is currently in the process of bringing criminal & civil charges against me, to send me back to prison where I belong. But, until the legal system has the time to do what is right - I will remain on the streets, so watch your checkbooks.

Feel free to drop me an E-mail at and tell me what you think. Well bye for now - I'll keep you posted.