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:: m e:

aRLeTTe rEYes; the name given to me by two important poeple who has brought me into the world. through the love, compassion and care that they have provided me, I've become an individual who is unique and full of life. As my journey goes on, I am to show you a glimpse of my life, individuals who had made a difference in my life, my daily struggles,dilemas, joys and laughter. basically, what makes me the real person i am. so come and take a closer look of what makes me "me"

As my road of journey unwinds, i have come across individuals who has changed me..

:: KrisTeLa PiNedA - my bestfriend for 12 years.. she grew up with me, through her, i discovered the word "fun". she's the type of person who knoes how to have fun and look at the positive things in life..therefore i became more aware of my surroundings and this is where my outgoingness comes in. i value poeple around me and i like meeting new people.
:: My FaMiLy- they are God's gift to me.. they have been my source of strength and giudance. they wer they for me when i needed someone to run to. organization i posses has been inherited from my mother.

...this then therefore led to the formation and development of my being, thus talents were developed and new horizons explored.

:: ExTraVert (outgoing) -
:: JuDgiNg (organized) -
:: ThiNkiNg (logical) -
:: SeNsiNg (realistic) -