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Abraham Grimm, Family of the Dead's last son

Born in a house without a home, in a place no one cares to remember, Abraham isn't a normal man. He wasn't wen he was alive, and it's even worse now that he's dead. Ma, Pa, and Grandpa never did care for strangers round the house....maybe that's why they killed em. Killed em all and dragged em off into the celler....where the books where.

Family is family, but now there aint no family left. Pa taught him everything there was to know...but now he's dead. Ma tried to use the book learnin' to bring pa back....but now she's dead too....Grandpa knew had to be dead to get it to work...but now he's dead too. All of em are dead now...even Abraham, cause he made it work...and he did what daddy wanted.

The pack killed his family, but he didn;t care. The pack made him a monster, but he didn't care. Emotion is a useless thing when it gets in the way. Years ago he would cry for his family....but Pa taught him that in death, they would be so much more useful....and cides....they're still around anyway