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> hi . welcome to our staggy site . for all you people that don't know what a sTag is . lol go to see the biggest sTag at "the old sTag" pub down the road . thankoo . come again <

i have yet to add . . . that this one time at band; not really, although what i was to say that "The Old(e) Stag" ...[it's not really got an 'e' at the end of old - i think it sounds better though! ] ...will one day change to 'The Old Slag' ...after that miraculous lightenning bolt hits the right side of the cross of the 'T' making it fall off and turn around...yes that is how the story goes! =p
bloop! yes..whatever she said is truee! and also..we're learning html. lol...looks like we're doing wonderfully well *coughs* not started yet...but we will!!


(x_X)O-(^^,Q) . . . << manga is kawaiii (not that ugly thing!)

<3 moi et elle