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This page is wHere i update news. This news page is not for loser news such as sport and victoria BECKHAM But for the news that counts, the news i care about. This may be RHCP news, Franz Ferdinand etc If you don't like this news, i don't care. (You may notice a lot of these news thingys are pretty old, i thought it would be fun to copy and paste a whole bunch of old ones from back in my old site of september past)


Lindsay has a new website and i demand that you visit it with immediate effect. you'll find the link in the page of doom. Also Onya Garland has agreed to write an article for the 'informaccion' section of this webpage so stay tuned for that, we should have it up and running soon. Also i got my franz ferdinand/scissor sisters tickets! joyous information! 05/05/05

Unlike my previous websites the layout here is pretty poor but i'd like to think that i have made up for that by including 100% more content. I would also like to say don't expect much updates because i have my GCSES in a few weeks and i am spending all my time studying, but lets face it i'm a lazy bastard. Anyway i all ready have a few random pieces of things in 'Informaccion' a 'page of doom' and an 'about me page'. I'm sure this place will grow especially as people sign the guestbook more often! HOORAH!


Well it sure has been a while since the last update so here is the latest news. NEWS ARTICLE ONE COMMENCES: It was a fine talk like a pirate day, the memories bring tears to my eyes. of course Donald abanodoned me and i went to the cinema with kim and onya, who disagreed with TLAP day and made me shut up. What a fine day. NEWS ARTICLE TWO COMMENCES: I finally, after months of slave labor and waiting, got an ipod. NEWS ARTICLE THREE COMMENCES. Rachel has betrayed the circle of instrumental bliss. Her website is no more, and she is currently working on a replacment. When the replacment is finished, the urls will be updated and she'll be welcomed back. FINAL NEWS ARTICLE COMMENCES: you can expect more updates from now on.


Arrr you better start believing in ghost stories, surfers, cause your in one!

You are Ol' Chummy

You look old for your age. Hygiene is just that thing that happens to other Pirates. You like what you like. Taking a cannonball to the head in your younger days hasn't helped. Not one to take risks, you enjoy quiet evenings on your bunk. You're a collector. You like things. Not, "nice" things- just things. Some people think of you as a blight on humanity - a carbuncle on the alabaster skin of man. You think of yourself as a swell guy with lots of friend - just the one, but lots of him. If you weren't a pirate, but rather lived in the 21st Century, you would be the kind of guy who has played a computer game for four days without thinking of showering and living solely on Mountain Dew and Cool Ranch Doritos. What you lack in physical attractiveness you more than make up for in interesting skin conditions. What's the upside of all of this? With the Captain's lifestyle, you are likely to be running the ship in a week or two. Ahead! Warp Factor ONE!

What's Yer Inner Pirate? brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!

thats right mateys, it isn't TLAP day yet, but i can't wait. My timbers need shivering. Thre have been a lack of updates to the website in recent days, but that SHOULD change soon, my life is busy you know, please keep signing the guestbook and keep visiting rachel and donalds websites!


Well if somebody is born this time today only 5 years from now there date of birth will be the 09/09/09, but thats not the main annoucment. I HAVE AN AMAZING LIFE CHANGING ANNOUCMENT TO MAKE!


For those of you unfamiliar with pirates and there way of speech here are some helpful phrases and there meanings

- Shiver me Timber! - say this when your timbers need shiverin

- ARGH! MATEY! - common pirate greeting


Enjoy talking like a pirate all day, i know i will.


Well at long long long long long long long last, i have finally got a guestbook up on the sight for you keen guestbook signers. so sign away. also the picture page has turned out to be a bit of a disaster, but i will surely do something about that eventualy.


GOOD DAY. well i was under the impression that since my account is now 7 days old i could create a guestbook but of course freewebs can't count and says its still less than 7. Hopefully it will be tomorrow, or maybe sooner. In fact it won't be sooner so don't count on that. And as you see Rachel surrendered, so now we are friendly sites or something like that. Also i now have an official picture page, check it out.

02/09/04 - IT IS SEPTEMBER

thats right 09, that means september, and that means school, which for me is bad, and for Rachel the greatest thing since sliced bread. I can't say i care for the damn school removing the coca-cola from the machines, replacing it with ribena tooth kind, although many people have remained unconcerned by the change in machines. People are wierd. Anyway i am currently waiting the 7 day waiting time i have to wait before i am alowed a guestbook, but when the time is done i should have one hear for youse, some people have been asking about it already. anyway i WILL not bore you any longer. bon dia.


YES! this website, is ALMOST complete. Well far from, but its up and thats what counts. Guestbook coming - eventually - and - lots of other stuff also coming eventually. Enjoy.