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Fear the Author/Blurry Webcam Pic

Hello all if you want to test your sanity you've come to the right place!As seen by the horrible webcam pic above this would be the page with all the little details about moi.So yesh...

Full name(I'm willing to say it unlike some people*coughShawnacough*):Stephanie Ona Kingston

Nicknames:Steph,Stephie,Stephanafany,Stephanefaly,Sterffles,I think thats about it...

In General


Age:15(younger than Shawna but still older than Chris,tis all good)

Eyes:Bluish greyish greenish apparently they change a little

Hair:Erm Brown but its dyed redish right now

Siblings:Leslie my food providing sister

Birthday:August 14,1989

Star Sign:Haha Leos rules man!

Address:Im not telling you,you could be a stalker or something...

Occupation:Indentured Slave(student) by day,soap writer by night and hit man by even later night!

Current Necklaces:(1)Knotwork Sun,Knotwork Owl,Wheel of Life,Jade Ring,Beach Glass and Wire,Painted Beach Glass,Maple Leaf,Metal Star,Vial of "Fairy Dust",Weird Glass Pendant,Dragon,Evil Eye,Chinese "Sheep" Symbol,Ankh,Egyptian Cartouche


Movies:LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!Pirates of the Caribbean,Muppet Christmas Carol,Lilo and Stitch,Sea Biscuit,

Actors/Actresses:Elijah Wood,Johnny Depp(he's a good actor),The whole Friends cast,Tobey Maguire

Books:Lord of the Rings,Wheel of Time,Harry Potter,Rose of The Prophet,Redwall,Tamora Pierce,Child of the Morning

Song:Mounted Animal Nature Trail,Faint,lol any Paper Mario song*shifty eyes*,Dont Wanna Think About You,Kazenone(dont ask)

TV Show:Friends,The Simpsons,Will and Grace,Survivor,Amazing Race


Color:Most shades of blue or green.Or maybe yellow,or orange...hmmmm
