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The story first starts out with the old man leaving the bay without any help. This is a major part of the story. By doing this it helps represent the struggle for life and trying to do it on your own. It also builds character and personality for the man and fish. As the old man sails out to get fish he decides to take a chance and go out into the deeper water. He does this because it may be the only way to change his bad luck of no fish in 84 days. The old man eventually gets a bite and it ends up to be one of the biggest fish he has ever seen. Then the old man struggles to rail the fish in for three days, they both grow tired. Finally the old man stabs the fish and kills it. He feels bad for doing that to the fish and is ready to head back to dock. On the way back to shore, the fish leaves a trail which attracts sharks. The fish is too big to pull aboard so the old man is forced to fight the sharks away with his spear and later his oar. By the time the old man gets to the docks there is nothing there except a skeleton of the gigantic fish and all is lost.

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