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My Trip to the US of A!
Wednesday, 29 September 2004
First day wandering the streets of New York!

This was taken on the first night that I arrived. My hotel was about a 30 second walk away from Times Square, which was pretty fantastic!

Posted by michaela at 1:26 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 2 October 2004 4:05 PM EDT
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Hey everyone!
Well it's coming up to me being away for a month and half now, can you believe it? It's flown by so quickly! So far it's been pretty good, definately had it's ups and downs, but for the most bit I'm having a good time. Have already spent way too much money, though doubt that that will change any time soon..maybe I'll have to get a job at macca's or something! Anyway, a lot of you have been complaining that I haven't been sending any photos your way, but thanks to a very good suggestion, I'm doing this instead! Hope you all like the photos, and no, I'm not putting any dodgy ones up of me getting up to stuff, because there of course aren't any! Above are a few of my photos so far, I'll be adding more and more when I get the chance- enjoy!

Posted by michaela at 1:03 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 2 October 2004 3:58 PM EDT
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