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You Want To Know Me? Then Try To Understand Me.

†Alone I Stand†

Dreamers time has ended...reality is left to

replace a fantasy...

Tears stream down dry cheeks, only left to fall

upon deaf ears...

Mind jumbled with merciles thoughts of anger pain

and anguish.

Voice crying aloud for revenge now..

but no one offers the one knows the cause..

no one knows the reasons...

Battle cry sounded..weapon lifted to the stars


eyes closed in silent request of strength from the

powering stars,

blood rushing, heart racing, old wounds


Alone I stand against the man who has broke my

heart,stole my family and ruined my dreams..

Alone I stand against a man that would swim in my

spilled blood.

But its not going to happen this time..

the blood of my kin shant be spilled..

this time,it will all come to an end...


be my guide..

take me to him so that this might be the end..

and let me be the one to walk out alive.
