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Kelsey's Page

Hi! My name is Kelsey Swartzlander. I'm 16 years old and I would be a Junior at CCHS right now. But My parents signed me up to go to Althoff Catholic High School in Belleville, IL. So this coming fall I'll be living with my Grandma and Grandpa going to school over there. Anyways, I have long brown hair, brown eyes and I'm 5'2 and tan. Which its natural. Ok so I have 2 brothers, Bryan (18) and Josh (21). Yes I'm the youngest of the bunch. I'm not single I'm goin out with Blake Whittaker. He's going to SIU-Carbondale. I met him through my brother Josh..

Me and My Blakie!

Some Friends..
Lexi, Kim, Lauren, Myles, Rhiannon, Brittany, Jared, Jay, Josh, Brian, Laura, Jordan, Sarah, Tiffany, MEgan, Kelly, Holli, Jake, Jeremy, Blake, Ryan, Tom, Tara, Teigan, Kendall, Kristi, Jennifer, Cassie, J-Lynn, Tana and many more.!

Me and Some of My friends..
Well this is not done yet. Come back later!