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Invasions of Privacy

I think it's funny, how the same people who call themselves "devoted" fans and are always the first to jump on the defend James bandwagon are the same ones who use any means legal or otherwise to delve into his personal life. Seems a bit hypocritical to me how someone can claim adoration one minute, while at the same time they have a stack of files containing every morsel of information they can ferret out about his family, friends and so on. Whether a public personality or a private citizen, he deserves the same rights of privacy that everyone else has. Do these people really think, that if they show up on his doorstep or call up his parents they are ingratiating themselves to him? Not likely. What they are likely to find is not a welcome mat, but a restraining order. But, I guess that is one way to get an autograph.


"Holier than Thou"
I was talking to my friend Chris today, and was trying to explain to her about the strange hero worship that surrounds the GG fandom. After some of the things we witnessed at Moonlight last month, she does NOT get the crazy obsession or the holier than thou attitude some fans take on when discussing James. He is after all just a guy, like any other, no worse. So, what is it about this man that inspires such fanatical behavior? The only explanation I can come up with is, it's.....the lollipop! This seemingly innocent instrument of candy goodness is actually a hypnotic device that induces total hero worship. At least that's just my opinion, Scully it if you want.


I think I'll call this version of my commentary, "Contradicktions"
Does no one else find it particularly peculiar  that each week a new version of why "I quit the band" seems to come to light? First, it's " I don't have time with my big new project blah blah blah." Next its "They are hard rock n rollers and I'm more acoustic boy." Then it's, "ok so I don't have time to be a rock star in a band, but I do have time to cut my own solo album." What's next? "The Easter bunny told me to quit or he would kill me in my sleep!"
Stayed tuned next week folks, I'm sure it will be a whopper and let's not forget to forget the previous statements so we can defend to the death the new ones. Ok?