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[---Muy Caliente---]

MY name is RYn...i'm addikted to shopping and don't plan to get over it ;). I have two siblings [1brother, 1 sister] and i'm a freshman at roosevelt, Half black half white.
My aim SN : xxMuyCaliente1xx


Shopping. Dancing. Hip hop. Hip hop poetry. Slam poetry. Spoken word. Black Eyeliner. Makeup. Piercings. Lipgloss. DRAMA. Photography. Night time. CLubz. Fashion. Bartending.

[-]dun Like

BEING HEART BROKEN. Reading. The color orange. Traffic. THrift stores. Mushrooms. wedgies. ppl who fart in public. frizzy hair. chipped nails. short nails. uni-brows. mean people. rules. dicipline. people who don't use deoderant. Argueing with people i love. People who are bitchier than me=D. People who don't say goodbye before they leave =/.

Basics + 001. Name: Ryn
+ 002. Nicknames: Babygurl, Mookie, Queenie, the queen
+ 003. Sex: Female
+ 004. Birthday: 10.2.
+ 005. Age: fourteen
+ 006. Star sign: Libra
+ 007. Place of birth: Tacoma, Washington
+ 008. Current residence: puna LN.
+ 009. Hair color: Light brown
+ 010. Eye color: brown
+ 011. Height: 5’2
+ 012. Writing hand: Right
Body Ills + Skills
+ 013. Do you bite your nails? Sometimes
+ 014. Can you roll your tongue? I think
+ 015. Do you have any habits? Ummm I can’t think of any
+ 016. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Up
+ 017. Colored hair: nope
+ 018. Tattoos and where: not yet
+ 019. Piercing and where: 6, one tongue, one navel, four ear piercing
+ 020. Do you make your bed daily? Nope
+ 021. Which shoe goes on first? Idk.left?
+ 022. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone? Haha yea
+ 023. What jewelry does you where 24/7? My silver heart necklace, my two rings and my 6 piercing
+ 024. How many cereals are in your cabinet? They’re on top the fridges, and it’s 4
+ 025. What utensils do you use eating pizza? My hands
+ 026. Do you cook? Kinda/sorta
+ 027. How often do you do the dishes? Like once every 2 weeks
When Was The Last Time You
+ 049. Watched bambi? WTF
+ 050. Talked on the phone? Today
+ 051. Read a book? Umm….