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You dont wanna...
...Tossle with a down Ninjette!!
Da Juggalette
Scene~ The cameras open up to Lexi and Brish working out in the gym. Lexi is running on a tredmill and Brish on the stair master. They exchange very few words. Finally their 15 minutes are up and they step off. They each get a bit of water from their bottles and pat themselves with a towel.

~* Brish: That was a good workout.

Lexi: I know, I dont think I had that good of a workout in a while. I really gotta hit the shower. Wanna head back to the locker room.

Brish yea that sounds good. We gotta start getting ready for out match tonight anyways.

They start packing up their bags and walk out of the gym. They still chat while walking to their rooms.

Brish: So are you ready for tonights match

Lexi: Oh yea this is gonna be so much fun. I never got to team up with Kate and Lita before. I mean I had them as opponents, and they were really great but this is gonna be so much fun teaming up with them both. Brish: Yea it is, and whats even better is that after this match we, Me and you Brish and Lexi are going to go on to become the tag team champions.

Lexi: I know, Im so glad you didnt let Kama's little baby ass keep you from coming back here. It was really weird not seeing you around here, even though we were fighting against each other for a majority of the time.

Brish: I already told you that was Kamas doing not mine. I did it for him. But lets forget about all that and just focus on how we are going to reign as the tag team champions.

they turn down the hall to where their locker rooms are.

Brish: Alright well Im gonna go hit the shower then too and you wanna meet back up when were both done. We can start working out our match tonight talking over some stuff

Lexi: Sounds good.

As they stand talking outside of their lockerroom Kate and Lita come walking up together. Lexi: Oh hey Kate, hey Lita how you guys doing

Kate: Really good,Were so ready to take out Shannon, Bambi, Candy, and SAGE. God I wanna take her out

Lita: Save it for the ring girl. So do you guys wanna work out some stuff for the match

Brish: Well were each gonna take a shower cuz we just got done at the gym but wanna meet up in like a hour.

Kate: Okay that sound really good. Wanna meet in the practice ring we can start working on some stuff there.

Lexi: No prob. Meet up in a hour then.

Kate and Lita: Alright see you guys

Lexi and Brish: Bye

Lexi walks into her room then and Brish into hers. The camera fades on a empty hall. .::*End of Roleplay*::.