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Representin Fat Kids...
...Across the Globe!!
Scene~ A severely damaged rental car slows to a stop behind some other vehicles stopped at a stop light coming into a city. The cars to their right in the intersection move forward.. then the cars opposite them.. then to the left, and then back to the right, skipping right over where the rental car is breaking down. Annoyed, Lil Poot, as well as a few others, honk their horns, as if it will help their apparently broken light turn green. Eventually, the light does turn green and the drivers speed off in all directions, Bones pulling his rental car forward, following the distraut Lexi, who is still riled up about hitting what could very well have been an overfed bigfoot, or some other large animal, and then swerving out of control, totaling the rental car in the process. .

Lil Poot: Oh calm down! It’s over! It was the animals fault for running out in front of us anyway! Now.. can you stick your head out the window, I can’t really see through the windshield, tell me if I can turn right here...

Lexi: Its cl-cl-clear..

She sniffles a little and puts her hand to her mouth. Loki shakes his head, disgusted at such a display. They drive down a few more streets and then Lexi instructs them to pull into a parking lot of a McDonalds.

Lil Poot: Right, we’re staying at McDonalds.

Lexi: No.. I’m hungry, and I really want a milkshake. This was the closest place. Get out and lets go buy me one.

Loki: Yea man Im kinda hungry too.

Lil Poot: Only if you two will shut up and stop moping about the past events of the day.

Loki: Man you dont gotta get all crappy about it jeez. Take a midol.

Lexi: You know, you wrecked a rental car, that’s going to cost you...

Lil Poot: We’ll worry about that later, alright? Lets go get you your freakin’ milkshake so we can get to the hotel and watch some TV or go swimming or something... relax. Before we got our match up tonight

The Dark Carnival walks into the McDonalds, which is obscenely crowded for the time of day it appears to be by Lil Poot's imaginary watch. They stand in line anyway, for what seems like an eternity, and as they start to move closer Lil Poot figures he better buy something to, since by the time he’ll be in front it will be past lunch time. He scans the menu above the registers and decides on a number two meal, and then continues the eternal wait.

Loki: Maybe we really are going to spend the night here...

Lexi doesn’t bother answering him and just stands patiently waiting, while Lil Poot stares ahead, and Loki stares at the wall.. the ceiling.. the fat lady that can’t get out of her car outside the window.. Finally, after what seems like an entire Syn match of boredom later, they reach the cashier and can order.

Lil Poot: You should really get some more people working here.. speed up the process a little bit.. what day is it by the way?

Cashier: What would you like sir?

Lil Poot: My time back.

Cashier: And for you ma’am?

Lexi: I’ll have a Strawberry milkshake, oh and a McFlurry, mmhmmm! And this guy will have a number two meal with a coca cola, super size it.And this guy wants a number 9 with fruit punch. You guys, I’m going to the bathroom.

Lexi leaves for the bathroom as Loki searches for his wallet, recovers it from his pocket, and starts counting out exact change, when he realizes he’s about a dollar short of a meal at McDonalds.

Loki: Heh heh.. so uh.. what’s it like.. working at McDonalds? Feeding the people... pretty noble job really.. glad to see you hold it with pride..

Cashier: seven dollars sir.

Loki: When did McDonalds jack their prices up so high, if you don’t mind me asking. I remember when you could get everything for just ninety nine sense! Can’t seem to get anything for that these days.. except maybe a phone call, but that’s another story.

Cashier: Why don’t you come in during a dollar deals day. Sir, you’re holding up the line. Seven dollars please.

Loki: Oh.. right.. well-


Lil Poot: Oh, I’m sorry sir, We should be respectful of your wishes because after all, you are the only person that really matters aren’t you! OH MY GOD! FIRE!!!

Lil Poot points frantically back into the kitchen, and all the cashiers spin around, all the people in line behind him rush to see, and Lil Poot grabs the little make a wish donation box and empties it quickly into his hand. The cashiers turn back, all annoyed at him.

Cashier: It was just a flame from the oven I think sir, it happens. Now, SEVEN DOLLARS PLEASE.

Lil Poot: Oh.. right.. of course.. here you are, seven dollars! Sorry about the hold up, I expect my food now..

Lil Poot takes the tray and him Loki wait for Lexi outside the bathroom for another ten minutes, wondering what can take women so long in there. When she finally reemerges Loki shakes his head,and Lil Poot motions with his head for her to take her milkshake and McFlurry, and then he grabs his coke and bag of stuff as well as Loki and drops the tray and they head outside. They walk down to where they parked, as Loki questions Lexi about the need to spend twenty minutes in a public restroom, but is quickly silenced when Lexi points to an empty parking spot.

Lexi: Our.. car.. is.. GONE!

Loki: What the..

He looks down the street, seeing if it by chance rolled down a few blocks, but sees nothing of the dark colored, now quite battered rental car. They stands there, drink and meal in hand, perplexed. He poses the question on his mind to Lexi.

Loki: Who.. WHO.. would steal a totaled rental car?

Lexi: I have no idea but, we’re going to have to walk now. We'll be lucky if we make it back in time for our matches.

Lil Poot: We’re going to have to walk are we? Who would’ve guessed without a car we’d be forced to walk.. come on, lets head down to the police station and report this, I want my rental car back!

Lexi and Loki: Okay...

Lil Poot getting more and more agitated as the day goes on. They set off down the road toward where Lil Poot believes to be the police station. When they walk ten blocks and realize he’s wrong, Lexi gets pissed off, but they switch directions and re walk the ten blocks, and then another ten. Lil Poot then decides that one left turn needs to be made, and then another ten blocks, and as luck would have it, he’s right an they find the police station.

Lil Poot: Ha! I.. told.. you... I knew where.. it was..

They take some deep breaths, and sits down outside the police station for a moment before they go in and walk up to a counter where an officer is standing.

Loki: Uh, Hi.. Officer... oh.. there’s no name.. well, Sir, we have a crisis on our hands.

The officer looks at him, takes a bite of the doughnut behind the counter, and then proceeds to question them.

Officer: A crisis huh? And what might that be?

Lil Poot: My car was stolen moments ago.. well.. more like.. maybe an hour ago.. but it took us awhile to walk here to tell you. In any case, it was stolen!

Officer: Uh huh, all right, well that’s not exactly “crisis” material but whatever, here, fill out these forms and you’ll be good to go, uh.. metaphorically speaking that is. Without a car I don’t think you’ll be going much of anywhere! ha ha.. hah ah.. I crack myself up sometimes. Oh look what they’ve dragged in now..

Outside a large police van drives up and some officers jump out the back and start waving their arms as if they are directing a plane for take off, “Move it forward” kind of motions. Interested, Bones, Lil Poot and Lexi move closer to the window to see what’s going on, when some more officers jump out and drag their suspect out of the back. A fat man is pulled out, and Lexi, Loki and Lil Poot instantly recognize him as their beloved friend. How could they not really though, only one man is that fat. The officers pull Bones into the station, where he sees the rest of the Dark Carnival.

Bones: Loki, Lexi, Lil Poot! Help! They’ve got me!

Lil Poot: Officers, hey! HEY! Why are you taking this guy in!? What did he do!?

Officer: You know this guy?


Officer 2: HA! I told you he looked familiar Bob! I saw him on the news, the notorious Whale Wolfer!

Officer: You mean the guy that ate the whole whale!?

Officer 2: Yeah! That guy!

The officers drag him back to a door, which they slide open and squeeze Bones through, and disappear when the door closes.

Lil Poot: Woa! Stop them! What’s going on, what’d he do!? Can’t I like.. pay for his release or something?

Officer: Depends. Bail hasn’t quite been posted yet but you could bribe me into it.

Loki: How much?

Officer: I’ll have to go talk to my buddies, see what they want outta the deal.

Lil Poot: Make it quick then! Hurry! I don’t have all the time in the world.

The officer turns and goes behind the same door Bones went through, and Lil Poot turns to Lexi and Loki

Poot: How much money you have? I’ve got nothing...

Loki: There’s an ATM right over there.. in a police station.. that’s odd.. but oh well, go withdraw a thousand dollars or something! They can’t want to much, their good, law abiding citizens.

Lexi goes and withdraws the money and returns to Loki’s side just as the officer comes back.

Lil Poot: Well?

Officer: Well it seems.... one of my boys back there seems to think your some sort of pro wrestlers! He wants tickets for us all to the event tonight! Now, I know your not really a pro wrestler or anything but, those are the demands.. HA HA! So, if you can get yourself three tickets to that wrestling thing, you’ve got your fat friend back.

Lil Poot puts his palm out toward Lexi, who hands him three tickets, and he hands them forward to the officer, who looks shocked.

Officer: I.. wha.. you.. huh.. how..

Lil Poot: Mr. Bones please.

Officer: But.. uh.. wha.. oh.. o-of course...

He disappears again and moments later Bones is squeezed through the tiny door, which shuts after him. Bones runs to the guys. Bones: Mike! Megan! Thank goodness you’re here!

Lil Poot: Come on Bones, lets get out of here.

Lil Poot directs his best friend to follow him out of the building, where they then start walking down the sidewalk.

Lil Poot: Okay, so, Bones, why exactly were you being brought in? How did you end up there?

Bones: Well it all started back.. well, I’ll start from the beginning. I’m eating a lot of peanuts, and all of a sudden they’ve gone to my head and I start trying to attack you! Sorry about that Poot, just playing around you know.

Lexi: It was an Oscar winning scene for sure.

Bones: Thank you, thank you! Anyway, so I find myself getting sucked out the door of an airplane, definitely a once in a lifetime experience, that’s for sure. I figure I can probably get back inside somehow if I just grab the wing of the plane and crawl back to the door, doesn’t really work the way I thought it was going to, I slipped off the wing and start plummeting at high speeds towards the ground.

Loki: Yeah, we saw you...

Bones: Did you? I was waving! So, I’m falling, and I figure I’m still flying in a sense so its okay to eat some more airline peanuts, which I do. Then when I realize there’s not much hope of getting back on the plane, I need to decide where I’m going to touch down with the ground again. After reviewing my options, it only seems logical that I aim at something as far off the ground as possible, because that way the fall won’t be as great. The thing I didn’t take into account is physics, which I’ve never been really good at. The heavier an object in motion, the more damage it does when it lands it seems.

Lil Poot: Where’d you land?

Bones: Well I figured, “That house is pretty far off the ground!” So I aimed for the roof. It was kind of fun, I was pretending I was a bomb heading for something or other, zooming along, ready to blow something up. Anyway, so I hit the house, crash through the roof, through the floor, through the next floor, and then find myself in the basement. It seems my large outer layer gave me enough cushion to land safely.

Lil Poot: I see where this is going. The people were freaked so they called the police that a fat man had just fallen from the sky and busted up there house!

Bones: Pretty much, yeah. Well I got up, went to the kitchen, filled my hungry tummy, said thank you of course, didn’t want to lose my manners! I left and figured I’d find my way into town, see if I couldn’t track down you guys. I’m walking along through a little forest and I can see a road ahead so I bolt for it, then I can hitchhike the rest of the way! I run into the street and what do you know, no sooner than I’ve reached the road than a car comes!

Loki: What luck!

Bones: Not really.. it was going like eighty miles an hour and hit me head on. I smashed into the windshield, rolled up and over the car and fell onto the road behind it. Once again, my weight came into play and countered the effects of the eighty mile an hour car.

Loki: heh heh...

Bones: What?

Lil Poot: Nothing...

Bones: Okay, well! Anyway! I got up and started walking down the road when a police car pulls up and tells me I’m under arrest, of course, I had to wait for them to bring the big van down because I wouldn’t fit in the patrol car, evidentially they didn’t believe the people in the house when they said I was a hefty guy.

Lil Poot: So, then they brought you in and now we’re here.

Bones: Yep.

Lil Poot: Well that’s ironic... I pushed you out of a plane and you’re the one that goes to jail. Oh well, I’m not complaining. But now the question remains. WHO STOLE THE CAR!?


:*End of Roleplay*::.