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Wild Cats

Wild cats are related to  household cats. One of it's prey is the Zebra.   It eats alot of other things too.Some of these cats are endangered.Did you Know the cheetah is the fastest land mammal,the female hunts,and the lion isn't king of the jungle?It really lives in the Serengeti.If your wondering why the cheetah is the fastest animal it's because of the tail it has and how it steers .                             

Guess What?The Siberion Tiger...

 is the largest cat in the world!It lives in Russia and North Korea.Siberion Tigers wonder around ,but I know one type of cat who doesn't ,The Lion!It can live in groups7-40! Imange having 39 family members. Makes me think of the nursery rymn ,There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many children she didn't know what to do.

Lions can have up to 2-3 cubs (baby lions) at on time.Baby lions weigh only 4 pounds and are blind "Hey who turned out the lights?" (baby lion talked in the last sentence , by the way.) till the 3rd day,can walk in 10-15 days, and can run in about one month.Well, thats all the info I have,but you can visit a website called http://www.World Wildlife for more facts.