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Mal's Letter to TomDotCom Patrons Hello fellow TomDotCom-ers! Just a quick message here from Mal. After many lengthy Wakendaw Bunch board meetings, an important decision has been made. The TomDotCom crew is interested in producing merchandise. The problem is not getting materials, making the merchandise, or even demand for the merchandise. The problem is the money. Now we all know that money makes the world go round; let's be honest. George, our friendly and sexy web master has put Jamie and I in charge of the merchandise. And we have a lot of good ideas, but we don't have the funds. We've also noticed lately that we've received lots of international hits, and we think that is awesome. Wouldn't you guys like to own a little piece of TomDotCom? Something to show your commitment to the glory that it TDC. Let's make it happen people. If you are interested in helping out, or donating, email me at this address. We can get this done with your help! Sincerely, Mal
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