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Let The Fun Begin

.::The rain pelts against the glass in her office, chelli toretta the diva leader of the XHWF finds herself...well...bored. Since her good friend Skye Johnson and fellow diva leader was cut from the roster and developmental contract, she had found herself leaning on vine her fiance. That was until just recently he too had decided to leave in search of brighter things, ending the engagement and the building future between the two. So there she sits sifting through the endless diva applications when a crisp knock on the door startles her, she looks up to find a one Genesis Turner stading in the doorway with a mic in hand and a cameraman behind her::.

~Genesis Turner~
Why hello there Miss Toretta, how are you this evening?

I don't even care little boy. But do you know my name Oh cut the crap genesis, why the hell are you in here?

~Genesis Turner~
Now now chelli dear, just because your good friend and fellow....erm...'leader' was cut, and just because you lost your lover and long time fiance doesnt mean that....

Keep goin on like that Gen, sweetie...and you'll lose your hair...

~Genesis Turner~
Well, arnt we all snippy *she giggles* listen..chel...Im here to do an interview with ya'll concerning your paddle match with Shelli featuring Ms Nasty as the special guest ref.

Oh yes, I forgot about that. Very wise of Shelli to go above me to get that match booked, but lets be frank about the matter...I have so much more experience in the ring than shelli could even imagine.

~Genesis Turner~
Ah yes but of course you will, I have every faith in your...'ability'...nice dress by the way...

Why thankyou "Gen", I could have gone for an outfit like yours but unfortunately I dont shop at walmart..

~Genesis Turner~
*She fakes a laugh* How sassy...*she rolls eyes* I was saying..oh wait thats right, you and Ms Nasty have quite the rivalry...hmm...she might just get in your way of a victory. But then again considering your SUCH a good wrestler and all...

Oh cork genesis you little tramp, no-one asked for your smart ass opinion!

~Genesis Turner~
Why dont you winge about something else, maybe about your roots coming through...or the latest ugly skirt you have got...

Chelli gets in genesis's face but slowly backs away with a smile.

You know what Genesis, why dont you collect your little cameraman there and waddle that plastic last season ass out of my office! Because hunny, just standing near you is degrading enough.

~Genesis Turner~
*She looks shocked with mouth open* What?

You, Out...Now!

Genesis goes to respond but chelli points to the door with a cute little smirk, before picking up the phone on her desk to call for security. Genesis stomps her foot and reluctantly leaves the room not very happy that she was thrown out. Chelli replaces the reciever with a satisfied grin.

My god that girl is classless, god I need to clear my head....hmm....yes I think I just might do it!

Chelli softly brushes her hair once before leaving the room and heading toward the arena entrance. Inside the arena the fans have seen what was going on with chelli and scream with excitement when her new theme slams the arena. "Miss Independent" By Kelly Clarkson. Chelli raises her arms to the screaming fans as she struts out onto the stage toating a mic in hand.

Howdy Ya'll *the crowd pop* As you all know, I have been placed in a "Paddle On A Pole" Match against Shelli Gracin a fellow diva. seems that upper management have an interest in seeing me get spanked. *the crowd pop once again with whistles* But I have other plans, you see guys and gals I plan on taking that paddle from the pole and slapping shelli's little hiney with it until its red roar. Now thats all good and well but lets not forget the third party to this GOOD friend Ms Skanky..whoops..I mean Nasty. Now nasty I dont know why in the hell you thought you could get involved in my buisness. I mean just because Im the hottest girl in the XHWF *the crowd hoot* doesnt mean you can try and steal my spot light by being more trashy then you already are...And my darling, if you so much as look at me I am going to slap you out of the ring!, because when it's all said and done I AM the next and VERY FIRST Miss XHWF! So ladies when it comes to our match on mayhem...I think its safe to say that the winner is....ME!

Chelli blows a kiss to the crowd from the stage top as her theme strikes up again, she waves with a wink before disappearing behind the velvet curtains.