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Daniel's Poem For Staci

Our Hearts Will ForEver
Be Together

Your love has made a difference in my life;
It lifted me up when I was feeling blue,
You have always been there for me when I needed you;
You were the only one brave enough to give me a chance,
When no one else would.
Your courage has changed my shyness to boldness;
Your faith has given me purpose, hope, and promises,
Of our future even at times when I thought it wasn't worth it;
You still stood by my side through those times;
And I thank you so very much for enduring it all.
It was at those times I came to realize;
The true strength of your love for me.
Our love we have for each other has been tested over and over,
But yet we have managed to remain;,

Side by side
Hand in hand,
Heart to heart,
Through it all.
I'm so grateful to have someone like you in my life.
Your love has made a difference in my life,
More than you would ever know.
If I were ever to lose you for any reason,
I know not what I would do without you.
