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South Park Insanity

A Still Growing South Park Fan Page

Les: Going down to South Park, Gunna have myself a time.
Stan & Kyle: Friendly faces everywhere! Humble folks without temptation!
Les: Going down to South Park, Gunna leave my woes behind.
Cartman: Ample parking day or night. People spouting 'HOWDY NEIGHBOR!'
Les: Headin' on up to South Park, Gunna see if I can't unwind.
Kenny: I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with loose vaginas
Les: So come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine!

July 14th, 2003
Hello everyone! It's great to see you've decided to join me here, in this insane little piece of junk. Don't worry, don't worry, there WILL be more to this little crap site soon... just as soon as I learn some HTML and figure out what to put in here. Anyways, this site is dedicated mostly to South Park. I say mostly because I will have a little bit on some of my other fandoms, as time goes on. And there's also information about my friends and stuff too. So anyways... hope you enjoy the perdyness of it so far, and I'll work on getting more pages up! See ya soon!


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Escape Routes
South Park Studios
The Happyplace
Kitty and Kenny's Palace