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Sex: Female.. look at the pink!
Age: 15
D.O.B:fuck that shit
Name: Jessica
Statz: single and loving it!
Hanging out: Edmonton

Ranting and Raving.

k fucken hell what the fuck is this chicks problem?! FUCK ok i DONT have feelings for him! NEVER WILL. get the fuck over it slut you can have him fuck.. you fuckin tell him to break up with you before he can even talk to me? thats just fuckin stupid, you need to get things straight. if you cant trust him enough to trust him around me, this isnt a good realationship. so fuck off you fuckin annoying ass micheal jackson squrriley face hunch back mother fucker, im going to give you what been coming to you for years. get ready bitch.

My tears drop like falling rain
I cry as my heart is still in pain
Never knowing who will be the one to dry my tears
Or who will be the one to chase away all my fears
Your love was like a shining light
The one that kept me safe..all day...all night
Why did this love even start?
Not knowing it would tear me apart When will this
feeling ever end
So i know when my broken heart will mend
Without you here in my life Im scared im lost nothing is right
But what can i do?
You dont love me
The way i love you?

If you know your not my friend
don't pretend like you are
Dont keep saying that "you'll be there for me"
and that "you'll keep my secrets & be there to talk to 24/7"
even if you know your NOT gonna do those things
Don't be fake....
be real.