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Jessi's little space

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Hi my name is Jessica ( I prefer Jessi)I live in Iowa. I am a 27. years old. :)My birthday is Feb 6. I have been married almost 10 yearsI have 2 wounderful children. That is my daughter Chloe 5 is in the pic with me. My son David is 8. I have a cat Gannon how is almost 2 years old.

I love being outside, playing in the sun, camping fishing. I am kind of silly and random at times.I am a happy girl most of the time. I enjoy reading, making storys and spending time with my children. Oh and playing Sims. I love to play the Sims, cant forget that.
I am a busy mom. But in my free time, when the kids are asleep and the house is clean I love to talk to people meet new friends.It is nice to have friend to talk to and share thing with. Feel free to e-mail me.

My story
A couple of years ago in the summer i signed up to detasseling corn for some extra spending money. It was a really hot day and they were alot of people there. We were working for hours. It was getting time to go home, then we saw this bright light getting closer. The next thing I know I am in this room, with strangers all around me. Then ist hit me I was beamed onto a space ship. They were making crop circles and we were in the way. They made us form a line sine we were there any way they decided to probe us. After standing in line for awhile i was leaning on this counter thing. I bumped a button, and the whole ship jerked right. The alien looked at me, and then started yelling (i could not understand them but they were mad)I just wrecked there detailed crop circle. It looked like a big Q now Then the big one came and said No probe no never, never ever for you and dropped me off in the middle of no where. I had to walk home and i did not even know where i was. Now i will never get probed. I did not really want to but now i will always wounder what it would be like.

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