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Shortay's Page

My Shout Outz

The Pimpin Sites...ehhe

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Clothing store.
my favorite site. lol
LMAO...Dont click here. IF u do you'll like it....lmao jk! BUT dont click there.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks for viewing my page. I hope u liked it even thoa its like not even done yet. lol. I'm just getting the hang of it and working on things, Imma have more things on this page in a lil while like pics and so on. So be good and you'll get what u wanna see. again, thanks for seeing this. GooberErin1121 - AOL Sh0tay21 - AIM SnuggleBaby025 -Yahoo CutegooberGurl69 - MSN
