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The following is rated "R"  for adult situations and erotic content.

passions - hers

a poem by FrolloFreak®


coming at me in sections
slim white thighs slipping from under
black velvet and purple silk

my passion
my love

what is it about you
that inflames me so
so much that I must hide away
in darkened places just to satisfy
my unleashed lust

Honey, making love alone is no fun

the everyday things are the most potent

watching you smile wickedly
as you interrogate

they say power is aphrodisiac

the way you wield that power
with glee
and abandon

like your masculinity

the way your eyes
twinkle at an offcolor joke
how the mouth curves
 revealing teeth so perfect so white...

it's more than physical

but those hands
that voice
a deadly explosive combination
guaranteed to send me
shiverin' fits
boiling within my loins

i quiver at the sound
of your voice
that deep dark
molten liquid fire
pouring from thin pink lips
spewing forth pyroclastic waves
that scorch my soul

i tremble with delight at the sound
of approaching footsteps
long determined strides announcing
your presence
your passion
from miles away

i feel the swelling
of man-love
that proud ivory shaft of lust
uncoiling its way
toward my woman's depths
with deadly efficiency

soon i am covered
with slender alabaster
long graceful fingers

then you enter me
boring through me
hard surging manhood
dances inside my walls

the dance of love

no man
has brought me to climax
over and over and...

our love
our passion
spans the centuries

let it never fade...


Copyright©2000 by FrolloFreak®

Everyday Passions ~ His

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