January 31st, 2004 We see Schizo locked in her padded cell. She is restrained with a straight jacket as she sits against the wall. In front of her sits a tray of food that is untouched. She stares blankly at the wall of her cell. A nurse walks in with another tray of food. The nurse sighs as she sets this one down and picks up the old one. She turns around and begins to walk out of the cell, and we can hear her audibly saying, "damn waste of my time trying to feed these pyschos..." Schizo turns towards the door as it shuts behind the nurse, and listens as the sounds of numerous locks and deadbots are fastened...

Febuary 8th, 2004 Schizo is seen in the same cell. She has become pale and discolored, and her hair is matted from sweat. She coughs some but doesn't move much. She is noticeably thinner, as her legs look as if they can be broken if she just stood. Again a tray of food is sitting on the floor of the cell. Again we see a nurse walk into the cell. She drops the tray of food in the middle of the cell this time and walks over to Schizo. Schizo tries to push the woman away but is too weak.

Nurse: Stop fighting it, you insane bitch. You know I have to take your temperature.

The nurse shoves a thermometer into Schizo's mouth. Schizo starts to gag on it...

Nurse: You better not vomit, cause I swear to god I'm not cleaning it up...oh right you haven't eaten in a month, so I don't have to worry about that, do I?

The nurse looks at her watch, and pulls the thermometer out of Schizo's mouth. She reads it and sighs.

Nurse: You've gone up another half a degree...you need to eat...but then again you're probably to damn nutty to realize you're dying.

The nurse stands up and turns to walk out of the cell. She picks up the old tray of food and starts to walk out when we hear very lightly...

Schizophrenia (JoAnna): I'd like to see you try to eat when you can't use your hands...bitch.

Nurse: Excuse me?

Schizophrenia (Brea): She said...'I'd like to see you try to eat when you can't use your hands...bitch'...you dumb bitch.

Nurse: Hey! Now you listen to me pyscho! I'm trying to help you damn it! Maybe if you got some sense, you'd understand that!

Schizophrenia (Jamie): Maybe if you didn't treat us like a caged animal...we'd be better off...

Schizophrenia (Chrissy): And brought some better food...

Schizophrenia (JoAnna): Chrissy....

Schizophrenia (Brea): Shut up.

Nurse: Damn, you are pyscho! Maybe if you acted like a human...people would treat you that way...

The nurse storms out of the cell...

Schizophrenia (Jamie): IT'S NOT LIKE WE HAVEN'T TRIED...

The door shuts...

Oustide the cell.

Doctor: Nurse Jones...

Nurse: Oh...yes Doctor?

Doctor: What the hell was that?

Nurse: Excuse me doctor?

Doctor: I just saw the way you treated that patient...and frankly I'm more then alittle disturbed by it...so please consider this, your termination.

Nurse: But doctor...I...

Doctor: No buts! I expect you to have cleaned out your desk, and be off the premises in an hour.

Nurse: ...Fine...who the hell cares if that looney bitch dies...

As the Nurse storms out of the picture she passes by Jeff King...

King: Hello Doctor, I'm sorry I had to keep putting this off, my schedule has just been so...

Doctor: Mr. King. We had originally set for this to happen a month ago! Since then your sister has given up moving, eating, and has become more sickened both physically and mentally.

King looks into the cell and sees Schizo sitting on the floor.

King: Ah yes, I can see that.

Doctor: Mr. King, your sister is on the brink of death! Unless you can get her to open up, she's a goner. You have to get her to come out of the shell...today!

King: I understand.

The doctor opens the door of the cell and Jeff King enters. Schizo looks up and sees him standing in the door way, but she doesn't acknowledge him. She just sits there looking at him before turning away.

King: Hello Jillian.

Again Schizo looks at King, but turns away.

King: Jillian, please...don't shut me out.

Again Schizo looks at King.

King: Jillian, I'm not acting...Fine, I'LL play along with you. I'll call you Schizophrenia...hows that? But you know, it doesn't change anything.

King: Listen Schizophrenia, you really are my sister, and I know everything you've wanted to know about your past. And I know why you are the way you are today.

Schizophrenia (Jamie): Why? Why are we this way Jeff?

King: .:sigh:....sins of the father. The sins of the father will haunt his children.

Schizophrenia (Brea): What does that mean?

King: I remember the day you were born Jillian. I was in my late teens, and I was still living with our father. Father, he was...not a typical father. I know you've always envisioned your family as the perfict family. Two loving parents, a dog, white pickett fence. But thats so far from the truth. I never knew my mother, though I did know yours. But father, he was a demon of a man. He worked all day so he could drink all night. Every night he poured toxins into his system, making him more and more of a demon. His only thoughts were of when he'd get his next shot, or when he'd get his next piece of ass. The women, were all night walkers. Dieased vermin, who did nothing more then walk the streets each night, selling their bodies so they could score their next hit. Jillian, one of these women, was your mother. I remember the day she showed up at our door. She had you wrapped tight in a blanket, and she was crying. She told father that you were his, and that she had just given birth to you in her apartment. Father took you, and handed her to me. He told me to "take care of this", and walked outside with your mother. I knew what he wanted me to do with you. But I couldn't. I looked at you, and I saw the innocense. I saw the fact that you had nothing to do with who you were, and where you were. And I never thought it was fair to judge you for that, especially when you were just minutes old. Two days later the police found your mother, and ruled it a "suicide", even though I know better. When father returned, seeing that you were still alive, he took you from me, and said he'd do it himself if I didn't have the guts. I pleaded with him, and begged him to not do what he wanted to do. Finally, I did the worst act I could have ever done. I told him that if he keep you alive, I'd train you to be his servant. To live for him. To live to serve him. It was the only thing I could say Jillian, that could stop him. I've regretted that every day, cause I know you would have been better off.

Schizo stares at Jeff, as tear roll down his cheeks. He continues...

King: Over time, I did what I had said. I trained you to constantly wait on him. Hand and foot. You were never declaired, you've never exsisted to the government. But you were a smart girl Jillian. In the time that father was away at work, I taught you as best I could. And you never knew better. You never knew that just outside that door was a world where you'd be treated better. That if you just were to leave one day when Father was at work, you'd be better off. No matter how many times I tried to get you to leave, you'd always come back. Until your teens I watched you fulfill every need father had. And I do mean every need...I watched him abuse you Jillian. And as disturbing as the next thing I'm about to say is...it has to be said.

Schizophrenia (Brea): Oh no...I know where this is going...

King: Yes. I'm sorry to say, yes. By the time you hit puberty, you'd have become a beautiful young woman, and father didn't miss that. His sick and perverted disires...and you didn't know better...

Schizophrenia (Chrissy): What? You mean...oh thats gross...I'd never do something like that!

Schizophrenia (JoAnna): Chrissy.

Schizophrenia (Chrissy): What?

Schizophrenia (JoAnna): Shut up.

King: Ladies...may I please continue.

Schizophrenia (Jamie): Are we pass the bad parts?

King: Yes we are.

Schizophrenia (Jamie): Ok then.

King: When father passed away, you were about 22, and you had spent your whole life serving him. It was all you knew. They found him dead one day in an ally, his skull had been bashed in. By that time I had long left. And you were alone. When the police came by to investigate the house, they found you in a corner talking to yourself. This was your re-birth Jillian. This was when you became the way you are.

Schizophrenia (JoAnna): We still don't understand why you locked us up.

King: I had to get threw to you somehow. This was the only way. You wouldn't listen to me if I just told you all this one day. I'm sorry Jillian.

Schizophrenia (Brea): But...if we know who we are now? Why do WE still exsist?

King: Jillian King died years ago with our father. You guys were always part of her. You're the four lives Jillian never got to live. And thats just the way it is. You needed to know this...I'm sorry I had to go to this length to do so...Please forgive me.

Schizo doesn't reply...she just looks at him.

King: Jillian King died years ago with our father. You guys were always part of her. You're the four lives Jillian never got to live. And thats just the way it is. You needed to know this...I'm sorry I had to go to this length to do so...Please forgive me.

With that Jeff King stands up. He helps Schizo up to her feet and hugs her.

King: I'll see what I have to do to get you guys out of here.

And with that King breaks away and begins to walk out of the cell...

Schizophrenia (Jamie): Jeff?

King: Yes Schizo?

Schizophrenia (Jamie): Thank you.

With that, King smiles and nods. The door of the cell shuts, and the scene fades to black.

(End of chapter)


Roleplay layout courtesy of No Reality Produc...um...Four Sided Figure Incorporated 2004(ssshhh...don't tell Dan!)