.:.< sKiTzO sAbS >.:.

Hey dudes and dudettes!

Welcome to my website! It really doesn't have much of a purpose, its just kinda here to amuse me when i'm extreamly bored! Yes small things amuse me...and to all you dirty minded ppl out there...BAD!!! hahaha, but i'm one of you, so i really shouldn't be scolding now should i? tee hee! I'll just give you a brief overview of whats going to be on this site; Punk Rock...Punk Rock...and oh yea...PUNK ROCK! And a few friends thrown in there lol My email is at the bottom of this page and you can feel totally free to email me, but i just ask that if you have something nasty to say about me, my site or my friends or if you think that my idea of Punk is not the same as yours than just save your time and energy cuz your wasting it, i won't respond and it will have done you no good. So there, i've said my peace! Now onto the happier note! This site is and always will be under construction cuz i'm always learning and finding new things to put on here so please bear with me and if you have any idea on how to do this kinda crap, please feel free to email me with any advice you think i should know! Thx a ton! ttyl byes!
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CrAzY bUt CoOl!
MoRe CrAzYnEsS!
pOeMs PaGe!
tHe GuYs!
SwEeT SaYiNgS!

Email: skitzo_sabs182@hotmail.com