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Kawaii, ne?

Tada! Pretty Sora/Riku layout here, isn't it? So here's where you edit. Write whatever you want, whatever will be put on your website.
It's really empty here. I guess I'll write something so it doesn't look *that* empty.

Here's "A Moment" written by ME ^-^

He settles on the tree, knowing exactly that the other boy is going to come here soon. He knows, simply because...there are things in life that don't change. Like the way he loses himself whenever the other boy is around or the way he longs for any kind of touch when they are together.

He props his legs up on the flat of the tree trunk and leans back. The sky is grey today, so different from what it's like when he's around. His thoughts begin to wander; he sees nothing but the bland sky and sighs.

A flash of brown appears before his eyes and a smile touches his lips. Oh how he adores the brown, spiky hair. And the eyes - so blue, being able to lighten even the darkest night.

"You're late," he mocks, feeling a hand grasping his shirt.

"" the boy mumbles in reply, already moving his lips over the sweet, pale skin of his lover. First the kisses are chaste, if not timid but it soon develops into something different, something far more intense than just the feel of the other. And it is this feeling that makes him feel alert for a second. The fact that he is feeling this without being in charge.

And when he opens his eyes, noting that he cannot remember when he had actually closed them, he stares up at the cause of this feeling.

The deep blue of those eyes blazes down on him like fire and it only adds to the intense feeling. He attempts to open his mouth, for what, he does not know, and this attempt is stopped at once as he is silenced with a passionate, almost forceful kiss.

He moans deep in his throat, surprised yet pleased by the action and even though it is all new and unfamiliar for him, he enjoys it all the same. The state of nervousness and alert is soon gone and replaced by a state of pure willingness.

He gives himself over, for it is his lover who he trusts. And when their lips meet for hungry kisses, and when their hands frantically search for each other in their lust, and when he feels that he cannot hold it any longer, when the passion is driving him wild, he realizes that he is sure of one thing.

For as they lie together, content and spent, he feels the warm breath of his love and the soft fingers that draw random patterns on his chest. He knows that this time was a little different, like an experiment of some sorts, but he also knows that whatever happens, one fact will not change.

He kisses his love softly on top of his head, wrapping his arm around his shoulders to cradle him. The boy snuggles closer with a content sigh and they continue to drift in the wonderful afterglow.

There are things in life that don't change.

Like the fact that Sora will always like to cuddle after their making out session.
