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The Official PewpMaster Webpage
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|2341 1337 |-|4x0|2


Hi, this site is all about THE PewpMaster, 1337 h4x0r.  This site is awesome.    My name is Craig and I can't stop thinking about how 1337 i r.  i r teh cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.




1.    PewpMaster is a mammals.

2.    PewpMaster h4x0rz in teh matrix ALL the time.

3.    my purpose is to be generally 1337



Weapons and gear:



h4x0r monitor                   h4x0r keyboard



h4x0r Outfit





PewpMaster can h4x0r anyone he wants!  PewpMaster h4x0rz in teh martrix ALL the time and doesn't even think twice about it.  This guy r teh madcrazy and awesome that he DDoS attacks people ALL the time.  I heard that PewpMaster was eating at a diner.  And when some dude dropped a spoon he h4x0rd teh whole town.  My friend jesse said that he saw THE PewpMaster totally DDoS attacked some kid just because the kid opened a window.


And that's what I call a |2341 1337 |-|4x0|2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you don't believe that THE PewpMaster r teh |2341 1337 |-|4x0|2 you better get a life right now or he will DDoS attack you!!!  It's an easy choice, if you ask me.  


PewpMaster is sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants.  I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart.  This guy r teh totally awesome and that's a fact.  PewpMaster r teh smrt, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet.  I love THE PewpMaster with all of my body (including my pee pee).    



Q and A:.



Q: Why is everyone so obsessed about PewpMaster?

A: PewpMaster r teh ultimate h4x0r. He loves pwning bitches like poindexter fisticuffs.


Q: I heard that PewpMaster is always cruel or mean.  What's his problem?

A: He's just that 1337 


Q: What does PewpMaster do when he's not h4x0ring or DDoS attacking?

A: Most of his free time is spent playing star wars galaxies or with his woman because she demands a lot of attention.