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Yeah, dis ya gurl Tif, comin' bacc @ u 4 sum1 else. I have to make a page for mah favorite cuzzin, do this page is all about her and why i really appreciate her. She told me that all mah other pages were really good, and she asked me to make one for her. So, I'm not talking to you when I say "you"!!! Iight???

.:..HeR 411..:..


100% tru mami

SwEeT 16

[[boo statuz]]:
*sInGlE* bUt PiMpIn' It!!

ShE gOt 1!!


Da 'Burgh,PA

Da 'Burgh

Ley, erebody know that one day, you are going to become a major
You have a great voice and you blew the hell outta me. You are on ya 1st CD right now and i know for a fact that it is good. I'm so happy you might let me get a duet on there with you. You and I have powerful voices alone, but i know together, we will shock the hell outta people. Ya mean? Ya voice iz juss.... I have no words!!

You know you are mah best friend. Even tho' me and you go thru our times, you are still the best person to be wit. You give me advice, and you are there for me to cry on ya shoulder. You know I will alwayz have ya bacc too. And you know this from experience. You are crazy, and so am I. I guess thas what makes us click like we do. It's been 7 or so years that we have known each other. Most of the time, we hated each other, but we alwayz knew we were going to be the best of friends. You are mad cool!!

..:..3 of Da good Timez..:..

1.) Skool: I remember at the beginning of our 10th grade year, we juss had so much fun in all of our classes. Remember in Ms. Street's class, how bad we was talkin on da "crack-monkey"! *lol* She's still hit!! *lmao*

2.) Corner: Now thas mah nigga. How many times did you actually come to skool smiling because of him? I can't even count no mo' (not because I smoke too much, but it was because you did it so much!). Corner just made you so happy and I was happy because you were happy. If he ever would have really pissed you off, i would have been mad @ him 2 and he would have got his *azz* beat by da both of us!! Corner betta watch out!!

3.) Together: When we finally made up for all of the shit that was going on, it was like the best time we had. We knew we was going to become cool again. When mah baby was upset that me and you f*cked up a great friendship, i finally realized that you really were a tru friend. It was like the best time in mah life to become friends wit you again. I was plotting to kick yo azz, but i couldn't do it. You are way 2 short mami! If you was a lil' bit taller (*cough-alot-cough*), then i would have, but it wouldn't have been worth it!! I love you too much!

There is much more of the good timez.. but i on't wanna put them up there because they are just wrong!

..:..3 of da Bad Timez..:..

1.) skool: I remember Jazz'lynn told me that you knew who killed mah cuz. I was kinda pissed @ that and that was when we went thru the trust part of a friendship. See, i guess i couldn't let something like that (especially from her) get between me and mah other cuzzin (you). I should have came and talked to u first, instead of f*ckin' up our friendship! I'm sowwy!

2.) Greenway: It was a bad year for you in the 8th grade. Rayz babyz-momma gon come at you wit dat shit.. all ova him. She needed to get her azz beat, but, in a way, it was funny when yall fought! I was kinda hopin she beat your azz, (only because I didnt really like you), but you held it down. I give you mad props 4 dat 1. @ white gurlz bangin iz funny! *lol*

3.) Da last time: The last time we argued was the worst time in mah life. It was like I was going to die because so much shit was going on. I lost 2 huge pieces of mah heart and i didnt know what to do. When I gained one bacc (Jose), that's when i realized he wasn't all i needed. I needed YOU in mah life. I love you ma!! I'm glad me ~n~ u r cool again!
¿¿¿Best friendz ma???

..:..What doez dis chicki look like?..:..

She looks like this:

*lol*, she got a lil body, wit a big azz head!! *lmfao*. But fo serious, she iz:

We got a couple things in common:
1.) Big Bootiez (you got it out, I got it out and wide!!)
2.) Craziness
3.) Great boifriendz
and last but mos def not least,
4.) Puerto Rican!!!
Erebody should know that we are bestest friendz 4


This is mah gurl!! This quote goes directly to her:
..:..ShE'z MaH gUrL ~n~ I sUpPoRt HeR 2 dA fUlLeSt. If ShEz SHoOtIn' Up Da PlAcE, dEn I'm BrInGiN' dA bUlLetZ!!..:..

Ley baby, I love you gurl. I hope you have fun in Cali this summer. Don't forget about a sista. Don't do no shit that i wouldn't do without you. And when you come bacc... we should juss throw a big azz party. Make sure you get bacc wit Corner so he can stop buggin you fo' sekz. Juss give da boi sum so i on't have to hurt him! *lol* But Corner: thas mah "broke-down Redman" 4 ya. I love both of yall.. Holla @ ya gurl ma!! ~uno amor~
DiS iZ 4 dAt ShOrTiI (mAh CuZ)!!!!