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Finally Something Thats All About Me

Hey my name is Emily...I'm a Jr. @ JCHS! I love to hang out with my friends!I love to go to church and Glorify God..He is Awesome! I love making web pages with my bestfriend (not)...I like to talk on the write...sing...uhh....anything else..well it ain't important if I can't think of it! LoL! *~*~*Quotes*~*~* *Shoot for the moon b/c youll always have the stars to fall back on*You laugh b/c I'm different I laugh b/c you are all the same*Once I got my heart broken and though I would give my right hand to have him back I wouldn't take back the experience for the world*Cling to your imperfections for they are what make you unique* Someday you'll cry for me like I cried for you. Someday you'll miss me like I missed you. Someday you'll need me like I needed you. Someday you'll love me, but I won't love you!*


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