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Welcome to Neotips to success, keep checking back for more updates on ways to become rich but to get started read these tips below!
Many people say that the best way to earn nps is to play games. I couldn't agree more, but what if you can't play the games, you feel that you are hopeless at games and so your bank account never reaches past 1K, well, there are other ways to make nps faster and more. You don't need to be good at games and all it involves is knowing what to look for. I am talking about that trading post. If you know what to look for it is dead simple. Here a series of ideas,help,and tips to make you guys money from the trading post, and tips on the hourly neopets games. How To use the Trading Post First of all you need to be a bit familiar with prices in general of most items. This may seem hard but it is actually dead simple if you spend some time at it. You do not need to know the exact price of things, just a basic area. Like if the item is worth under 1K, or if it is worth between 10-15K. Just so you have a basic awareness. The Trading Post is an ideal way to buy/sell/or trade items. If you are selling items I advise you to not set up a trade with it, because you do not get even trades often. People who bid on things in the Trading Post are looking for deals so the best way to sell it is to bid on another item. Click on "Browse Lots, and then "Newest 20". Then you find items you would like. But before you do, check if your item is worth that item. If it is then bid on it, you can also bid nps as well. If you are a newbie I suggest you bid on lower priced items that you are getting for lightly cheap, every neopoint makes a difference. It is important you do not just trade your item with another because you think that item looks better and is prettier. Make a fair trade if you want the item, don't lose out, especially if you are new and do not have any nps to spare. Tips and Ideas All these tips work, i have used them and so have many people that i know. This is the best tip i can share with you guys. First of all you must go to the newest 20. But don't just look at that page, refresh if you get no luck. The trade you have to look out for is a trade that has 1 single item (One item that is fairly expensive, i.e. unbuyable), and there is nothing in the wishlist. Then click on the person's user who owns the item, and see how long they have been playing neopets. If they have been playing for less than a month then i advise you go back to the trade and bid a low amount of nps. The likelihood of the trade is that the person has found the rare item and does not know what it is worth. So they see your bid and they think, "WOW, look at that bid." They are happy because they have got cash for it, and then you can re-sell the item for the going price. I do not advise you totally rip the person of, give them a reasonable offer, making you get a small profit, because you do not want to be unfair. But that is up to you. But if you bid a low amount of nps, the chances are you will not get the item, because someone would have bidded more than you because you won't be the only person who is trying to get that item cheap. If you have got confused in any way about this, then please just neomail me, and i will explain it more simpler and go over it with you. This tip is more for the newbies. I advise you to just buy/trade items that will make you a tiny profit and eventually you will become more familiar with the trading post and you can search for better deals. This is tip is basically to look out for people who in their wishlist explain that they want to get rid of there item and they are selling it cheap. But don't just bid what they say, often they are lying, they say they are selling cheap but really, it is more than the going price. Make sure you have checked the price(s) of the item(s) before you do any trade, use the shop wizard, or if the item is unbuyable, then use the Trading post for the going prices. Another way to check the if the trade is worth it is to go to the "neopets Chat Room", section "Trades and Auctions", and post a new subject and state the trade, and some people should reply and tell you if the trade is worth it or not. I do advise this as this comes in quite handy. Beaware of these Scams As you know, scammers are everywhere, but they especially seem to go to the trading post. There are many tricks they use to fool people but if you are careful then you will be fine. If you ever see a trade that says "Bid a codestone on this and get 10 baby Pb's or anything like that, don't bother, it is a scam. They will take your item and never see you again. Also, The obvious fact is that neopets will never ask you for your password. No item will ever change your pets colour (apart from Morphing Potions), the starberry will not turn your pet starry, it is a food. Any item anyone claims to be a hidden tower item, and they are selling it for cheap because they feel like it is a scam. It is a cheap item that people might think it is from the hidden tower when it might be a food or petpet. If anyone posts in their "wishlist" an url: that they have a website that gives you free nps is a scam. It takes you to a fake login page. IF YOU EVER SEE A LOG IN PAGE THAT DOES NOT HAVE "" in it's url then IT IS A SCAM. DO NOT enter any information, they will steal your account, and take everything. If you see anyone do any of these things you can report them. They are breaking the rules. Of course you can't forget to go to the main places to get nps, i.e. Coltzans Shrine, or Wheel of Excitement. There are links at the guild Homepage. Here are Trade helpers that know their fair hare about trades and would be glad to answer any of your questions. neostevesxydevil (Me) mattneoburke sad_kerim funky_little_alien The Shop Wizard There are a couple of things you should know when using the shop wizard to save money. And to earn the big bucks through knowing a trick or two. Firstly when buying items from the shop wizard for any particular reason, you should always refresh a few times to check that you can get the cheapest price. Do not just buy the first one you see, often you can get quite a better price if you refresh a couple of times. Also if you find yourself in a shop that you find cheap items and when you click on the item a fake lgin page apears then report the shop and do not enter any information at all. Here is a nice trick for you guys to earn alot of money from the shop wizard. Some people find items that re quite rare and do not know the prices of them because they are relatively new to neopets and put it very cheap in their shop. Or they price it at 99999 because they think that it is worth 100,000 because all the others are priced like that, but you cannot sell an item at 100,000nps in your shop, if you put items and 100K or more, then you cannot buy the items from that shop. So the person will put it at 99999 even though it is worth 400K or whatever, because they think it is worth 100K. So if you find an item like this, then buy it and re-sell at the going price. Just pick ouit a few rare items and try it, you may get lucky. I know a few people who have. Here are some tips on the Hourly Things to do. Wheel Of Excitement You can do this every two hours. The only tip i can give is to not carry any decent items with you when playing because the pant devil can strike, this also applies when just wondering around the neopets site because the pant devil can strike at any time. The Snow Faerie's Quest Don't get frustrated if you never get any decent items form her. Your turn will come. I advise you to not pay any more than 5K per quest because the majority of the time you will get an item that is worth less than 1K. If you stick to it you will eventually get some rare items. Some people say that doing her quests quicker means that you will get better prizes. This almost certainly does not apply at all. I have taken 1 and a half hours before and i got an item worth 10K, yet on several occasions I do quests within a minute and i get a snowball etc. The prizes are random. And also, it does not matter how much you pay for the quest, you will always get a random item. Just because you paid 15K for a quest does not necessarily mean you will get a better item if you paid 2K. Scratchcard Kiosk For this i advise you keep buying, either scratch them if you think you are lucky enough, or do what i do, keep hold of them all until the prices on the shop wizard goes up, then sell and when the prices go down, hold on to the scratchcards again. If you are lucky enough you will get an icetravaganza scratchcard which i advise not to scratch, sell it for around 80,000nps. The Wheel of Mediocrity I do not use this, i find it does more damage than good as does >The wheel of misfortune. It is up to you but i wouldn't recommend it. The Neopian Lottery I use the lottery every day, i do it in the hope of one day i might win. I am not saying that it is worth doing, because the chances of winning are so slim. If you do play it every day i advise you keep the same numbers,i figure that one day my numbers have to come up, rather than keep switching. All i can say is cross your fingers and hope for the best. Also to get lottery tickets cheap, i advise you to play dice a roo. You can get free tickets when you play. In about 20 goes you should get at least 1-2 lottery tickets, not to mention all the food, faeries you can get. Treasure of the Black Pawkeet In my opinion i would play this. Sometimes you might find you are on a losing streak, and feel that what is the point of playing this. That is what i thought until i won 25K in 3 days. It is up to you whether you play or not, there aren't really any tips that i can give you except to make sure you click in the right place. The Snowager The snowager sleeps at three times throughout the day. Items you get are random. You do not always get an items. Sometimes you pet will get scraed and run away. Soemtimes it says the snowager wakes up and goes back to sleep. You were lucky. Or you pet will get blasted. (Which seems to eb the most common one). Snowager sleeping times. All set to NST. 2-3PM 10-11PM 6-7am