The Top 28 Signs You've Been Around 5MV Too Long
This covers only through Sign # -100. Entries were considered based on humor and applicability to slightly fluctuating degrees (read: subjective). Also there were several entries that were perfectly amusing but touched on the same gag as several others and as a result were eliminated via a sudden-death process involving a dartboard with numbered sections, several darts, and consultation a wise old sea turtle named Bob.
I have rearranged the entries to make the list "look" better, so that's another reason to avoid putting very much stock in where one sign is "ranked" relative to others. And of course I alone had final say on which suggestions I included here, said decision was entirely subjective, and if I were to do this again a week later (or earlier) the list would look quite different.
To sum it all up, this is by no means a definitive Top 25 list, as most of the entries could have been 10 or 20 spots higher or lower, but I enjoyed putting it together so nyah. :D
'Whoohoo deamon pickles! ::Munch::' --Celeste
The Top 28 Signs You've Been Around 5MV Too Long
- #28: The word "pie" manages to creep into every sentence you say, relevant or not. --Things Are Good
- #27: You don't bother reading synopsis of Trek episodes to find out what happened any more - you just go to 5MV instead. --PointyHairedJedi
- #26: You stay up all night to do a Round Robin with another person in the One-Word-At-A-Time and Word Association topics, then you get mad cause someone comes along and screws it up. --NeoMatrix
#26a: You add someone to your online messenger of choice to just berate them for adding an entire page to said topic. --Sa'ar Chasm
- #25: You end up confusing threads and carry topics intra-fora. --Saxamaphone
- #24: You go offline for a couple of hours, come back and realize the fora has married you off and given you kids. :mutters: --taya17
- #23: You instinctively keep going to, and wonder where the forum is --entei
- #22: You are firmly convinced that you could take over the entire galaxy, if only you could find a cute-enough little monkey. --NAHTMMM
- #21: You can't watch certain episodes without laughing at inappropriate times as you remember the fivers for them. --MmeBlueberry
- #20: You find that your friends, family members et al remind you of certain forum goers and not the other way around. --Katy Jane
- #19: When at the bowling alley, you constantly refer to the 'transwarp bowling ball of destiny' --Wonko the Sane
- #18: If you don't get a reference, you look at which forumgoer made it, and know more or less what to look for. --catalina marina
- #17: You five in your dreams --NeoMatrix
#17a: When you wake up, you five your dreams. --Standback
- #16: The word 'clone' immediately brings a certain name to mind, regardless of the circumstances. -- PHJ
- #15: You start suffering withdrawl symptoms when you can't go to 5MV for one reason or another. --MPQ
- #14: You use the word "spluck" in normal conversation. --Sa'ar
- #13: You write BaW fivers while Bored at Work. --Celeste
- #12: You type '' preceding every series and episode name yet to be published, hoping to find unpublished material. --ijdgaf
- #11: You wonder just how much it was that Zeke paid Owen to 'accidently' delete Topic Title. --PHJ
- #10: After months of effort, you finally reach the top, and you're really happy about it. YAY! --catalina
#10a: Briefly. --Sa'ar
- #9: The word GAK begins to creep into other literary endeavours...and you add in more deaths so you can say 'GAK' again. --Sa'ar
- #8: You struggle with the concept of something, anything, being more important than 5MV. --NAHTMMM
- #7: You've memorized entire fivers and scare your friends laughing randomly at lines from them at completely inappropriate times (it's not necassarily funny, but it's true). --dsbs
- #6: You use the phrase 'DIE! DIE! DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!' when people anger you. --Kira
- #5: Whenver someone says they like chili, you say 'Grr, Arg, you dogeater, I'll get you with the Hammer of Crushing at Ludicrous Speed' --Opium
- #4: After watching any TV program you immediately wonder if there's a fiver for it already.
#4a: ...and when you realize there isn't, you start wondering if you could five it.... --Derek
- #3: Occasional discovery that thoughts are being processed in 'Topic Title' format. --MmeBlueberry
- #2: A thread which has been dormant for many weeks suddenly comes back to life and promptly veers off-topic for two pages. You don't find this in any way strange. --mudshark
- #1: Whenever anyone says to you they'll do something 'soon', you wonder if they mean the real 'soon' or Zeke 'soon'. --Derek