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funky sites!!


Funny Stuff:

Okay, I have to put crazy pika first. Thanks Amanda for finding this! lol. I couldn't find the original one, but this one is longer. . . go to this it is the most hilarious thing EVER!! Crazy Pika!! or if that one doesn't work, try here

And now for something completely different. . . MONTY PYTHON WEBSITES!!! for all you fellow python-aholics and for those of you who wonder just where the hell that stupid lumberjack song came from, here they are:
It's. . .
Monty Python's Completely Useless Web Site
The Unofficial Monty Python Home Page
and last but not least. . . Which Monty Python character are you? from Quizilla


look here if you're bored. . . (still my favorite)
Neopets!! hahah remember that? it's still kinda fun. . . yes, i know i'm pathetic. . .


Questions, comments? you know the drill. . . email me