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wHaT eXaCtLy Am I?

There are a lot of things out there for me to see, hear, and feel... I want to be able to do a lot of things because that's why I live... Who knows how long I have... I'm going to keep on going! When I'm bored, I'll make something up as I go along the minute hand clock... This is an entertainment for you and me! Im making the site as you look at it! Enjoy! And if you want to know what I've been doing each day of the life I'm living, check out my Xanga! And while you're at it, check out my sites! Pss... It's not much, but I'm working on it!

Which of these girls am I? Or am I all of them?
Am I really me? Or am I just all act?
Am I hiding? Or am I all out?
Is what I'm wearing a mask? Or is that my real face?
All of me!

LiNk To AnOtHeR

My XaNgA
KaT's XaNgA
JeN's XaNgA
JeRi'S xAnGa
RiTa'S xAnGa
SaNdY's XaNgA
BoNnY's XaNgA
NaNcY's iNtrO
DaNyG iS dEfiNiTeLy mE! (My LoNg LoSt SiTe)