Hatecrime Debate

  • Hate Crime Laws -- John, 10:32:11 06/10/03 Tue
    I would just like to state why I agreed to discuss this topic with you and to present my views concerning Hate Crime Laws. I'm not here to dispararage or criticize anyone for their beliefs. We all form our opinions through our own personal experiences and what we learn from others; be it in school or from the media, or from other private sources. Sometimes we get bad information or we might misinterpret what we do hear. I try to keep an open mind in any discussion and learn whatever I can even if it doesn't persuade me to change my mind. It may give me an insight as to why other people believe as they do.
    As our discussion progresses I'll go into more detail and give examples and sources for verification of the information I use.

    My main objections to HCLs are very basic. 1.They are unfair and violate the 14th amendment of the Costitution, which guarantees equal protection under the law. 2.They accomplish very little in the punishing or deterring of criminal actions, just as the death penalty doesn't deter homicides in the states that have a death penalty. 3.They are designed to punish thoughts more so than actions, and 4.They single out groups of people, especially the gay community, and put them in the limelight for the anti-gay bigots and homophobes to use as targets of their hatred once again.
    We can discuss them in any order and for any length of time it takes to show how damaging these laws are, and to lay out the facts for everyone to see, so they can decide for themselves if that is how they want their country to be run.


  • Just something ..interesting..that i saw -- Eddi, 18:55:24 06/17/03 Tue
    'Roe' Seeks to Overturn Abortion Law
    44 minutes ago

    DALLAS (Reuters) - The woman once known as "Jane Roe" whose case led to the legalization of abortion in the United States 30 years ago filed a new court challenge on Tuesday in a bid to overturn the landmark Supreme Court decision.

    Norma McCorvey, who went by the name Jane Roe in the landmark Roe v. Wade (news - web sites) ruling but later joined the anti-abortion movement, filed a motion in Dallas federal court claiming changes in the law and advances in medicine had rendered the court's original decision unjust.

    At a Dallas rally, she told supporters she regretted her part in the original lawsuit.

    "I want to thank all the wonderful women that are standing here. I'm so sorry that I filed that affidavit," McCorvey said.

    "I long for the day that justice will be done and the burden from all these deaths will be removed from my shoulders," she said in a separate statement.

    Planned Parenthood (news - web sites) president Gloria Feldt said the case was not viewed as a threat to abortion rights.

    "We don't expect the court to take it seriously. And the reason is because it was a good decision," she told Reuters. "Roe v. Wade enabled women to participate in the social, financial and political life of this country."

    The move is the latest challenge to U.S. abortion rights and comes after the House of Representatives and the Senate each approved a ban on a procedure critics call "partial birth" abortion. Minor differences in the two versions remain to be worked out before the legislation goes to the White House.

    The ban, supported by President Bush (news - web sites), would be the first time a specific abortion procedure has been criminalized since the 1973 Supreme Court decision.

    In Tuesday's motion, written by a Texas-based conservative legal group called the Justice Foundation, McCorvey said Roe v. Wade was decided on false assumptions and that no meaningful trial was held to determine the facts.


  • FCC Appointees Ignored the Public Outcry But Congress May Undo the Damage -- Mitchell, 08:10:52 06/17/03 Tue
    A few weeks ago, we asked you to send emails to the five commissioners at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) asking them not to allow giant media conglomerates to control even more of the airwaves and newspapers. Members like you were part of the largest public outcry in the history of the FCC with commissioners receiving hundreds of thousands of messages opposing the plan. But these political appointees voted three to two along party lines to allow the corporate giants to control even more of what you see and hear.

    Members of Congress are now considering ways to overturn the FCC's decision. The Senate is moving first with a meeting of the Commerce Committee on June 19 to discuss the problem. We need to encourage every member of the Senate to tell members of the committee to put out a strong bill to overturn the FCC's vote.

    Tell your Senators to overturn the FCC's bad decision. Just click "Reply" and then "Send." Or click on the link below.




  • Sexual orientation: a state of being, not just a sex act -- Mitchell, 22:38:10 06/16/03 Mon
    USA Today

    By Joan M. Garry

    I get uncomfortable talking about sex. As a good Irish-Catholic girl, public discussions of that most private of associations bring out the prude in me. When my school-age kids bring it up, we don't talk about the mechanics, but about love, family, respect, safety, honesty and responsibility. Otherwise, sex is a private matter between my partner and me.

    So I'm always taken aback when people confuse sexual orientation with what someone does in the bedroom -- as if they could divine what my partner and I do behind closed doors simply by knowing we're partners. And as a gay civil-rights leader, I spend a lot of time fighting those who maliciously try to convince people that being gay is not a key ingredient of who someone is, but simply what someone does in bed.

    (con. in reply)



  • Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Nick & Drew, 00:43:30 06/12/03 Thu
    DREW'S HERE!!!!!!

    He got here around 10:00 tonight, we got everything unloaded, and now we're gonna....oh....I can't talk about that on here! *giggles*

    He's going to make a post later on about the trip and all that fun stuff, so stay tuned!

    *hugs and kisses for everyone*

    ~~Drew & Nick



  • Additional Information Source on HCLs (more) -- John, 17:54:39 06/15/03 Sun
    For those of you who wish to check out further comments or participate in discussions of HCLs and to check out some other interesting topics and sights visit www.crvboy.com ALL are welcomed to observe or participate.



  • Like Porn??? -- Mitchell, 11:49:29 06/14/03 Sat
    Click Here



  • News of MAJOR importance... -- Kris, 00:43:21 06/12/03 Thu
    Since our reporter extraordinaire is ummm busy at the moment I'll post this. AND I am not putting it in a reply since I think its too important!

    From Planetout.com:

    Within hours of the Ontario Court of Appeals ruling that legalized same-sex marriages in the Canadian province, plaintiffs Michael Leshner and Michael Stark were married in a civil ceremony in front of a group of about fifty friends. Many other gay and lesbian couples, including Americans, are expected to follow suit, as provincial leaders confirmed Wednesday that they will follow the court's orders. "I'm charged to follow the laws and will follow the laws with regards to this matter," Ontario Attorney General Norm Sterling told Canada.com.

    In Canada's capital, Federal Justice Minister Martin Cauchon said the government knows it must find a prompt "national solution" to the question of same-sex marriages. Courts in Quebec and British Columbia have ruled that same-sex marriages must be legal. But unlike the Ontario Court, the ruling judges in the other cases gave the government a deadline of July, 2004, to take action. Yesterday's ruling, which took effect at once, made next year's deadline irrelevant, as couples from throughout the country may now marry in Ontario.

    Syndicated news reporter Rex Wockner spoke Wednesday with the Toronto city clerk's office, which confirmed that couples who marry in Ontario are not required to be a resident of the country, meaning that American couples may go to Canada to marry.

    Couples must first apply for a license with clerk, Wockner said. Subsequently, they must have the marriage solemnized by a judge, justice of the peace or an appropriate authorized religious representative. The person who conducts the ceremony then files paperwork with the Ontario Provincial Office of the Registrar General, and the married couple may apply to receive their official marriage certificate in about 12 weeks.

    Evan Wolfson, Executive Director of Freedom to Marry, confirmed that anyone may marry in Canada. American couples who do so, he warns, should realize that they will be "as married as anybody on the planet." The decision is not a political gesture. "It's not just a sign-up on a list," said Wolfson. "They will be assuming all the responsibilities and commitments of marriage, and when they come home -- although they might face uncertainties and discrimination -- they will be married."

    Wolfson anticipates that it will take a few years for American courts and legislators to agree on the status of gay Americans who marry in Canada. During this time, Wolfson says these couples will have a unique chance "every day to role model what married gay Americans look like, and help dispel the scare tactics of the religious right."

    Although litigation is a sure bet, as certain states or public agencies resist recognition of the Canadian same-sex marriages, Wolfson cautions couples not to race across the border and come home ready for a lawsuit. On behalf of all gay and lesbian couples seeking the right to marry in the United States, he says, such suits should be chosen strategically and handled, he hopes, by legal groups who are well-experienced in working on the fight for marriage in the courts.



  • A little bitching -- Josie, 08:34:18 06/12/03 Thu
    I hate fox news, it's the only news channel I have.

    Its so fucked up, they just show the same news over and

    over again and interrupt each other constantly.

    They have these debattes but they only last a min and then

    they interrupt and start talking about somehting else.

    Bush this and Bush that - how boring.

    I mean the world consist of more then just America!

    Well its just Bush and the weather on this news channel.

    And Malta wasnt even on their map!

    Euro news know where the hell Malta is actually:)


    Also saw Doctor Queen in ITALIAN!

    Who gives a shit about Italian?

    Its not even a world language, Im not in fucking Italy.

    Sure it was rerun but hey,, maybe I like to watch it?

    And this was just like the worst thing.

    By the pool this couple in their 45 - 55 put sun lotion

    on each other and HER hand was in HIS shorts.

    I mean, Im on holiday, do I need this????

    At least, I was in my bedroom.



    Love you

    Dont watch fox news.



  • Life is a bitch and then you die -- josie, 04:00:29 06/12/03 Thu
    Might as well go up to that fucking sky lounge and jump.

    Well OF COURSE I won't - Im not STUPID ( well I am) just

    not THAT fucked up.

    Im really hurting right now, cause I know he likes me

    on certain things he does - wont tell anyone, maybe Lance

    later, that's what makes it hard cause he's just so scared!

    Anyway,,,, going to the pool, he wont have time 4 me today

    later there is a party I think I will check it out.

    Take care



  • Just incase you’d like to bug Ashcroft some more LOL!! -- Mitchell, 22:56:28 06/11/03 Wed
    Update: Department of Justice Partially Reverses Ban on Gay Pride Celebration

    The Department of Justice has partially reversed the decision to ban the annual DOJ Gay Pride Celebration. While the event will be allowed to occur this year, it will not enjoy the sponsorship of the DOJ as it has in years past, and as other events currently do.

    Please send a message to Attorney General Ashcroft today to urge him to allow the event to proceed with the full sponsorship of the DOJ. Even if you sent a letter yesterday, send another one today to express your support for equal treatment for DOJ Pride!



  • *HUGE smile on my face* -- Nick, 15:33:18 06/10/03 Tue
    Drew left Cleveland this morning on his way to Austin. I just talked to him a little bit ago and he was almost to Indiana, and everything is going good. He should be here sometime tomorrow evening/night! He sounds very happy and very excited. =)

    I am soooooo excited I can't hardly sit still! I'm bouncing all over the place!!

    *HUGS for everyone*



  • This is just to say -- Lance, 19:26:03 06/09/03 Mon

    John and I are going to be discussing the pros and cons of hate crimes laws.

    He has never used a Voy board before so we're going to go thru some basic things here so that he feels comfortable before we start the "discussion".



  • Urge Attorney General John Ashcroft to Reconsider Decision to Ban Gay Pride Celebration -- Mitchell, 22:44:15 06/09/03 Mon
    U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has banned the Department of Justice's annual Gay Pride Celebration. Please use HRC's Online Action Center today to send a message urging the Attorney General to reconsider his decision!




  • I give up on America -- Drew Greyfox, 19:25:25 06/04/03 Wed
    Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil

    George Wright
    Wednesday June 4, 2003

    Oil was the main reason for military action against Iraq, a leading White House hawk has claimed, confirming the worst fears of those opposed to the US-led war.
    The US deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz - who has already undermined Tony Blair's position over weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by describing them as a "bureaucratic" excuse for war - has now gone further by claiming the real motive was that Iraq is "swimming" in oil.

    The latest comments were made by Mr Wolfowitz in an address to delegates at an Asian security summit in Singapore at the weekend, and reported today by German newspapers Der Tagesspiegel and Die Welt.

    Asked why a nuclear power such as North Korea was being treated differently from Iraq, where hardly any weapons of mass destruction had been found, the deputy defence minister said: "Let's look at it simply. The most important difference between North Korea and Iraq is that economically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil."

    Mr Wolfowitz went on to tell journalists at the conference that the US was set on a path of negotiation to help defuse tensions between North Korea and its neighbours - in contrast to the more belligerent attitude the Bush administration displayed in its dealings with Iraq.

    His latest comments follow his widely reported statement from an interview in Vanity Fair last month, in which he said that "for reasons that have a lot to do with the US government bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on: weapons of mass destruction."

    Prior to that, his boss, defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, had already undermined the British government's position by saying Saddam Hussein may have destroyed his banned weapons before the war.

    Mr Wolfowitz's frank assessment of the importance of oil could not come at a worse time for the US and UK governments, which are both facing fierce criticism at home and abroad over allegations that they exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam Hussein in order to justify the war.

    Amid growing calls from all parties for a public inquiry, the foreign affairs select committee announced last night it would investigate claims that the UK government misled the country over its evidence of Iraq's WMD.

    The move is a major setback for Tony Blair, who had hoped to contain any inquiry within the intelligence and security committee, which meets in secret and reports to the prime minister.

    In the US, the failure to find solid proof of chemical, biological and nuclear arms in Iraq has raised similar concerns over Mr Bush's justification for the war and prompted calls for congressional investigations.

    Mr Wolfowitz is viewed as one of the most hawkish members of the Bush administration. The 57-year old expert in international relations was a strong advocate of military action against Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Following the September 11 terror attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, Mr Wolfowitz pledged that the US would pursue terrorists and "end" states' harbouring or sponsoring of militants.

    Prior to his appointment to the Bush cabinet in February 2001, Mr Wolfowitz was dean and professor of international relations at the Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), of the Johns Hopkins University.

    [MY GOD!!! What do these criminals have to do for the American people to throw them out of office and into jail where they belong?!?!?! They lie through their teeth, kill thousands of innocent people, and then admit their reason for doing so was greed, and the American public accepts it?!?!?!

    I guess America really does deserve Bush. If the American people are too lazy and stupid to care and would rather feel secure or strong or have all the answers spoon fed to them then I guess they deserve to lose their jobs, lose their homes, lose their freedoms...they've already given up their integrity and honor. The people and government of the United States have shown themselves to be some of the most ignorant, indifferent, and greedy on the face of the earth, and I am ashamed to be among them.



  • Hej bebisar! -- Josie, 05:47:14 06/10/03 Tue
    Daddy called today, he really misses me.

    WE havent seen each other for a long time.

    Honestly, I miss them ( I love em) but dad is so negative

    and the things he say - well he makes me sad.

    Its better if Im not home much.

    ANYWAY - I want to be here :)

    Cecilia mi amiga is going home today BUT she will be flying

    to the STATES in a week to work on Disney Cruises.

    I will go back to Duke and work my tiny ass off and go back

    here to study for 6 months I think :)

    Tonight HOPEFULLY I MIGHT get to see my friend - seen him

    twice in a week, would have been 3 times but he has been

    sick, so.

    Okay, just been out shopping, right bow Im feeling really

    great...... dad said we would have a greta summer in

    Sweden, I might kill myself but,,,, hahahahaha


    Love you guys and Mitchy - Bitchy while Im here Serge is all

    yours, hmmmm I don't need him LOL



  • BABY CAKES! -- Josie, 10:46:16 06/08/03 Sun
    Hahahahaha yeah it's me Josie - Lance's girlfriend.

    Anyway Im in MALTA :) 2 creeps has come up 2 me.

    My friend was filming a boat and there I was drinking water

    and this old man came up and asked where I was from etc

    then he asked if I was married ( I answered) and he said

    - I take pills.

    Don't laugh, it's so not funny. I dont wear ANYTHING

    challenging - and yet these things always happens 2 me?

    Anyway - I guess Im just hot LOL hahahaha NOT!

    Hmmm I had an AWESOME evening this Friday - could have

    ended better. Well, we will see.

    My friend Cecilia will leave on Tuesday so if anyone wants

    2 u can MAIL me / NOT YOU MITCHY!



    Anyway take care everybody





  • Thought this might be somewhat relevent to the "great debate" below -- Drew Greyfox, 01:59:12 06/09/03 Mon
    What Is Patriotism?

    Charley Reese

    What with all the flag-waving, pro-war and anti-war rallies, Memorial Day observances and so forth, it seems to be a good time to consider exactly what patriotism is and what it isn't.

    The best definition I've run across is "love of the land and its people." Most of us who live in an urban environment might not have the same feelings about land that our more agrarian ancestors felt, but we still become attached to places. Familiarity in this case breeds affection. Who doesn't feel affection for the areas where they were born, grew up and lived?

    A patriotic love of land, of course, means our own nation — that land within the borders of the United States. The land immediately on the other side of the borders — say, in Canada — might look just like our land, but it isn't. I feel more at home on the New York side of the Niagara River than I do on the Canadian side, and I am a Southerner. But Southerner or Yankee or Westerner, we are all Americans. Despite the similarities, the United States and Canada are distinctly different countries with different forms of government, different cultures and different traditions.

    What makes us unique as a people is certainly not race or ethnicity or religion. We're a hodgepodge of those things. What makes us unique is that we do not take an oath to a politician or to a political party or even to a government. Our oaths in this country are to the Constitution, that written charter of government and basic rights.

    Teddy Roosevelt, one of the few geniuses to occupy the White House, once said that an American citizen should stand by a public official only so long as and to the extent that the public official stands by the Constitution. This is entirely consistent with America's founding philosophy. If we have to choose between a politician and the Constitution, we must choose the Constitution. To support a politician who doesn't support the Constitution is to be disloyal to the very thing that makes America, America.

    That being the case, it would be a good idea for all Americans to read their Constitution. It's not a lawyer's document. It was written in plain English by some very intelligent men and was intended for public consumption. There are some ambiguities that could lead to honest disagreement about the meaning, but they are mostly on minor points. Americans should also read The Federalist papers, a collection of newspaper articles written during the constitutional ratification debate.

    There is no room at all for the ridiculous interpretations some judges and others have made of the Constitution. It was intended to be strictly construed, not surrealistically construed, and if changes are needed, they should be amended by the process the Constitution provides. All Americans should object strenuously to "amendment by interpretation." That is as anti-American, as anti-democratic as you can get.

    Too many Americans, it seems to me, associate patriotism exclusively with war. A constitutional war in defense of our land and our people naturally deserves support. The last war that fits that description ended in 1945. Since then, more than 100,000 Americans have died in battle, but not in defense of our land and our people. Since we are a free people, presumably able to control our government, that is our fault. We must learn not to be so susceptible to demagoguery and propaganda. We were never intended to be a people who would shout "Heil Bush" (or Clinton, Nixon, Reagan or anybody else).

    The greatest dangers facing us today cannot be solved militarily, yet these civilian concerns are being de-emphasized by unnecessary wars against Third World countries. We had better concentrate on rebuilding the United States rather than Iraq or Afghanistan, and we had better worry more about the health of our people than sending our money to Africa or Asia.

    Love and concern for our land and our people is the patriotic duty of every American. How about supporting all of the American people for a change instead of just those in uniform? Let us not throw away the very things so many Americans died to protect for some cockamamie scheme to run the whole world.


  • We have a new feature on the board? -- Lance, 08:33:04 06/08/03 Sun

    Does it work? Well if only works if you pay money to VOY? HAHAAA!

    OK - NO ONE HAS TO PAY MONEY TO POST ON THIS BOARD. And the day we do have to pay money on this board, it will be moving to another server (which it probably will be doing anyway.)

    I'm looking at several other format types of board. I really liked some of the features on a board (Deweys) until I checked it today to see if there was a reply to post - and saw that just ONE day's worth of GLBT news items had put even BRAND NEW POSTS made at the same time on the same day by the same person...into the archives!! HAHAA!

    So, using a forum like that would mean that everytime Drew posted the news, half of his news posts would automatically be sent to the archives. WTF!! The whole point of having one of those compartmentalized, multi-subject boards is so that EVERYTHING is easy to find, always on view, and available for much longer than they are on Voy. But looking at that board, even current news is shoved back to the archives, so I guess I will keep looking for a forum format that meets our needs.

    In the meantime, Crzy House will stay where it is, warts and all, and NO ONE HAS TO PAY ANY MONEY OR LOG IN and all that crap, OK?




  • I miss him:( -- Josie, 11:02:14 06/08/03 Sun

  • Subway Jim for President in 04 -- Subway Jim, 00:45:40 06/08/03 Sun


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