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KiDz TaLk

I sumtymes think i love everything and everyone
But i know i dont
Soraya, age 9

You should never love someone you dont like very much
Katy, age 7

Sex is a part of love
but not a very good part.
Joanna age 6

Love is hard to do to people you dont perticularly like
deborah age 10

My friend says kissing is worse the having the flu
caroline, age 6

first of all you get in love then get marrired and you get a baby, of you can do it the other way around
Peter, age 9

I dont no how a baby gets there, i think id be rather surprised
Claire, age 8 You should have babies on sundays God wants you to rest
Merino, age 7

When you are a baby you can see yur mummys bosums
but when u grow up its not alowed
and i think thats a silly rule
Vvienne, age 6

When i grow up i shall have lots of babies
Then ill get married and live happily ever after
Lisa, age 6

God should bless ALL little children
Sandy, age 8

I dont think there should be rich churches When there are poor people
Fiona, age 11

I dont think u no yuve been happy until your not
Mark, age 11

Old people and children need to be loved more then those inbetween
Anna, age 10

My daddy says hes reading the news...
but hes onling looking at ladies with no clothes on
Tim, age 10

Ive got 3 daddys
which is nice at birthdays
but not at othe times
lena, age 5

Our doctor says "this wont hurt" while its hurting
Christine, age 7

If i had to vote id vote to stop wars
but they NEVER ask yu that
Mary, age 7

Why cant you vote for LOVE?
Brenda, age 8

It doesnt matte wut you believ
as long as u believe in something
Rosemary, age 12

I wish they could declare love instead of war
Deirdre, age 11

When my sister was born she decided to go straight bak to heaven
Lucinda, ae 5

When your dead people talk about u alot
Tracy, age 7

you have to have funeral so that God knows your coming
Astra, age 9

All my clothes have had other people in them
Palo, age 7

I ran about but nobody came to find me so i ran back
Mela, age 7

I hate spoiled childeren
they have everything i want
David, age 8