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QuOtEz 7

Who knows what is going to happen in the next couple years..
things are going to be changing ..
and some of it may be for the better and some for the worst ..
all you can do ...
is remain who you are throughout the changes ..
and enjoy life

take one last look at wat you see,
before we say good- bye
take one last look at my smiling face
before i start to cry
say one last thing wit ur sweet vocie
to make me feel reassured
give me one last hug
and tell me that you still care
give me one last kiss
to show me why the world is so unfair
hold me just one last time
to forget the pain that ive have known
hold me please just one last time
be for you let me go

..ThErE ArE tYmEz U sAy ThInGs U dOnT mEaN..
..N oThEr TyMeZ u MeAn ThInGz U dOnT sAy..

A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be somewhere else

All my life I've been searching for you, everyday
So glad that I found you boy.
All my life I've been feeling for you everyday.
I'm so happy babyyy

Count your blessings,
not your blemishes

Dont stall or stress ova whether or not yur doin the rite thing
youll always no the answer in yur heart

If YoU jUsS lIsTeN tO yUr HeArT n UsE yUr HeAd..
YuLl NeVeR bE wRoNg

Im sO TiReD BuT I CaNt sLeEp
sTaNdIn oN Da EdGe Of sOmEtHiN MuCh 2 DeEp
iTs FuNnY HoW We fEeL sO mUcH bUt i cAnT sAy a wOrD
iM sCrEaMiN iNsIdE bUt i cAnT B hEaRd

im startin tO learn frOm relatiOnshipz in tha past
lifez a bunch Of bullshit 'nd prOmisez never last

LiFeZ a DaNcE u LeArN aS yA gO
SuMtYmEz U LeAd N SuMtYmEz U fOllOw
DoNt WoRrY bOuT wUt U dOnT nO
YoU lEaRn As Ya GoOoOoO

Mistakes are part of life
So dont waste time kicking yurself for the past

Of all the awful feelings that make u feel sick to yur stomach,
*nothing* feels half as bad as knowing u had a chance to do wut u truly love..
..And you didnt take it..

OnE mInUtE iM ThInKiN My
*LiFe CoUlDnT bE nE bEttEr*
ThEn ThE nEXt Im ThInKiN
*iT cOuLdNt GeT nE wOrSe*

people will look at u strangely when u tell them wut u are trying to achieve
and yull start to listen to yur detractors and doubt yurself
"why oh why did i do this instead of that"
But Wut eva happens JUST HANG ON!

someone is very proud of u
someone is thinking of u
someone cares about u
someone misses u
someone wants to talk to u
someone wants u to b happy
someone wants u to find them
someone wants u to find them
someone wants to give u a gift
someone thinks u are a gift
someone wants to hug u
someone loves u
someone admires ur strength
someone is thinkin of u n smiling
someone wants to b ur shoulder to cry on
someone would do anything for u
someone wants to b forgiven
someone wants to laugh wit u bout old times

Sumtymez the thing yur lookin for is the one thing u cant see

some days im so unsure
my life is just a blur
i cant see where im goin..
and i dont no the way
but i juss keep moving n
*StAyIn StRoNg*

we are bestest friends
and we will always be
just you-n-me
Till the end of reality
even if we fight
It will be alright
You'll be in my heart
nothing will keep us apart
our friendship will be true
if thats ok with you?

We are often so focused on wut we are doing
That we lose site of where we are going

Wen u set out to live yur dreams lots of ppl will try n hold u bak..
((specially those who luv u most))

you shouldnt let your past mistakes be a part of your present condition...
you live, you learn.
and it makes you a stronger better person than you were before

:: ive got everyone thinkin im super man strong ::
:: but that big old S aint on my chest at night when i get home ::
:: one look in my reflection and 'lone is all i c ::
:: i can tell um all im glad yur gone but the truth is ::
.::*I cAnT lIe To Me*::.

DuNt Let Go WheN U NeeD 2 HoLd On
DuNt HoLd On WheN U NeeD 2 LeT Go

wOw tYmEs sUrE dO fLy WeN uR HaViN FuN
iM gUnA MiZ u aLL mOrE DeN nE oNe
wE hAd FuN TyMeS bEiN bOrEd iN cLaSs
wE WiLL fInaLLy gET a jOb nD MaKe R oWn cAsH
8tH gRaDe Is jUsS BoUt OvA
nD i cNt WaIt TiL gRaDuAtIoN DaY
wHiCh iS JuSs ArOuNd tHa CoRnOr

i THiNK iVe aLReaDy LoST u
i THiNK uR aLReaDy GoNe
u THiNK iM WeaK

Whole days pass without a thought of *U*
I see u at school n dont think a thing..
Im healing But Im not just covering it up with a band-aid n forgetting about it--
Ive felt enough pain to know that I used to truly care for u...
Im letting the wound heal itself

..IvE gOt AlOt To SaY..
*BuT i StAy QuIeT*
..I fEeL sO mUcH iNdSiDe..
*BuT i PUsH iT aLl BaCk DoWn*
..IvE gOt A lOt Of DrEaMs..
*bUt I pUt ThEm AlL AwaY*
..I jUsS pUt BaCk On MuH sHoW..
*ThAt WaY nObOdY wIlL EvEr No*
~~By ME!KiM

place yur hand over yur chest
and feel yur heartbeat
this is actually yur life clock ticking,
counting down the moments u have left
one day it will stop
thats 100% guaranteed
and theres nothing u can do about it.
So u cant afford to throw away a single precious second
go after yur dreams with energy n passion
or else u mite as well stand bak and watch them wash down the drain

Things fall apart
Not everything can be put back together,
no matter how much you want it