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+ name ; KiMbErLy NiCoLe + nicknames ; KiM, KiMbO *Thats Taras name for me NOT MRS CANNINGS lol* SkIpPeR *AmYz BaRbIe haha whoa thats from a loong loong time ago!* KiMbErLyN
n i gota lot so ill juss stop

+ sex ; GaL

+ birthday ; MaY 15th

+ age ; 14

+ star sign ; Taurus

+ place of birth ; rOcKIsLanD,iLl

+ current residence ; rOcKtOwN

+ ScHoOL ; RoCkY HiGh ScHoOl YaH BaBi

+ hair color ; DiRtAy BlOnDe ;-) If YaH nO wUt I MeAn HaHa J/P

+ eye color ; BlUe

+ height ; 5*1

+ writing hand ; LEFT..but im weird n do all other things with my right hand..

+ grade? ImMa LiL FrEsHmAn

+ boyfriend/girlfriend? NoOoO..:(


+ Eaten sushi: HeLl NaH!

+ Been hyper: i AlWaYz Am!!

+ Been dumped: YeAh..n ThAtS nOt KeWl..

+ Eaten an entire pizza by yourself:A personal pan one..if that countz

+ Been in a car accident: YeAh 3 AnD iVe BeEn In CaRz ThAT hAve HiT tElEpHoNe PoLeZ LOL TARA!

+ Watched the smurfs: WeN i WaZ a YoUnGa..I uSed To PlAy W/ tHe FiGuReNeZ tOo!

+ Seen the white house: YES I HAVE!!! wHen wE wEnT tO wAShInGtOn Dc fOr R sChOOl TriP tHiNgY

+ Hiked a mountain: YeAaA! In CoLoRaDo.. MaN i LuV tHaT pLaCe!

+ Been skinny dipping: UmMmMmMmMmM..I cOuLdA dOnE dAt OnCe HaHa..

+Stayed home on a Saturday/Friday night just because: YuPp

+ Been in love: I uSeD tO tHiNk So..BuT nOw I dOnT eVeN nO wUt LoVe Iz..
I UsEd Ta ThInK i LoVeD HIM..NoW i No I oNlY lOvE wUt We HaD

+ Tried to make cookies from scratch: ..WeLl I TrIeD...

+ Cold or hot: HoTt

+ Lace or satin: BoTh

+ Blue or red: BlUe

+ New or old: WeLl..DePeNdS wUt It Is!

+ Roses or daises: RoSes + Chocolate or ice cream: iCe CrEaM + Winter or fall: HmMm..WiNtEr..SNOW! but i hate cold so that

+ Science or history: I HATE THEM BOTH!

+ Do you like some one right now: YeSSS! + Do you have a secret crush: YeSSs.. + What do you like in boys: HmMmM..NiCe, SwEeT, LoVeInG, TruSt WoRtHy, LoVe Me FoR Me, HaVe Ta Be AbLe tO tALk To ThEm, FuN, OuTgOiNg, DoNt Get Mad To Ez,GoOd LoOkIn, AnD HmMm...
::PeRfEcT fOr Me::

+ Muscular or not: EiThErS fIne..

+ Do you want a guy to ask your dad before he asks you out:Uhhhh NO!ArE u CrAzZzZY!

+ Athletic or not: DuNnO..

+ Do you want your b/f to get you chocolate or jewelrey: I jUsS wAnT lUv N aFfEcTiOn


+ Who is your funniest friend: OhH mAn..ToO MaNy ToO NaMe!

+ Who do you email the most: NoBoDY i OnLy tAlK oN aIm ReAlLy...

+ Know the best: BaIlIe..
MaNn DiS gUrL iS A gReAt..OvEr Jr HiGh Me N LoTtA mUh FrIeNdZ GrEw ApArT..but bailie shes stayed with me through EVERYTHING! N i hope we stay as good of friends threw high school cuz i dont no wut id do w/o her!

+ The coolest: All Of Um!


+ Walk in the Rain: YeSsS!

+ Give hugs: OhHh yAh!


+ If you got a tattoo what would it be: HmMm..A RoSe On MuH BaK mAyBe..Or SuMtHiNg CuTe LiKe ThAT..

+ Ever had that falling dream: NoPpE..

+ Whats the weirdest habit you have: HmMmMmM I dUnNo..

+ What turns you on: BoYz..SpEciAlLy OnE ;-)

+ What turns you off: HmMmMMmMmMM..


+ Do you have a crush?: YeSsSS + How long have you liked him/her: UmMmM..CoUpLe WeEkZ..

+ Why do you like this person?: GoOd QuEsTiOn..i DoNT rEaLlY No..i JuSs Do..

+ If you're single, why are you single?: CuZ I cAnT FiNd A gOoD gUy ThAt I cAn AcTuAllY hAvE a REAL rElAtIoNsHiP w/..But HmM..HoPeFuLLy ThAtZ aLL bOuT tO cHaNgE..

+ How long was your longest relationship?: Like 7 months..or something like that..

+ How long was your shortest relationship?: haha like a day or 2


This/That: ThIs AND tHaT

Brunette/Blonde: BoTH

White/Black: GRAY!

Summer/Winter: SUMMER!! WhOa HoOoO

Fall/Spring: sPrInG

Saturday/Sunday: sAtUrDay

Candy/Pop: cAnDy! i DOnT eVeN dRiNK PoP!

Ocean/Lake/Pool: aLL oF uM!

Britney/Christina: ChRiStInA

Mandy/Jessica: UhHH..MaNdY i GuEsS..ReaLlY nEiThEr..

BSB/NSYNC: UmMM..ThOsE gUyZ wErE oNlY cOoL iN BoUt 3Rd GrAde! ThErE GaY!

Pop/Punk: BoTh

Prep/Skater: BoTh!!

Hippie/Goth: HiPpIe..CuZ gOtHz ScArE me..

Nerd/Dork: DORK..CUZ THATS ME haha

Purple/Pink: PiNk

Dark/Light: LiGhT

Boxers/Briefs: BoXeRz MaKe BoyZ bAlLz SaGgY..So ImMa Go WiTh BrIeFz..EvEN Tho AlL gUyZ wEaR bOxErZ..


Favorites :

+ Number: 22!!and 2..

+ Color: LiGhT BlUe AnD PiNk

+ Day: ThE OnE tHaT r On THe WeEkEnD!

+ Month: SuMmEr MoNtHs..AnD MaY!

+ Song Of The Moment: a whoooole bunch!

+ Movie: a whooooooole bunch


+ Band: a whooooooool bunch!


+ Drink: MiLk *n* WaTeR

+ Veggie: CaLuFlOuR..or HoWeVa U sPeLl It!

+ Radio station: b100((pop)) And 103.7((country))

+ Store: AE

+ Expression: HaPpY Of cOuRsE!

+ Shampoo: HeRbaL eSsEnCeS AnD PaNtEnE PrO-v

+ Season: SUMMER BABY!!!

¸,.·´¨`·. :¨`·´¨: .·´¨`·.,¸
¨··-..-··ox `·.·´xo··-..-··¨
*LoVe KiMbErLy*


+ name ; bAiLiE + nicknames ; bAy, BiLlY rAe(LAYY! lol),sTuPiD(aWwW),pRiNcEsS bAiLiE(lOl tEdDY)

+ sex ; gRl

+ birthday ; OcToBEr 31(HaLoWEeN)

+ age ; 14

+ star sign ; ScOrPiO

+ place of birth ; rOcKIsLanD,iLl

+ current residence ; rOcKtOwN

+ ScHoOL ; RoCkY!!

+ hair color ; lIghT BrOwN WiT bLonDe HIgHliGHtS(n No I AiNT a BLoNDe LoL)

+ eye color ; lIgHt LiGht BrOwN

+ height ; 5*2

+ writing hand ; rIgHT

+ grade? freshman at RoCkY(9th)

+ boyfriend/girlfriend? NoPe


+ Eaten sushi: never tried it..yuck looks gross

+ Been hyper: OhH bOY! hElL ya!! duh! hasnt everyone?

+ Been dumped: yEp..sUcKs DoNt It

+ Eaten an entire pizza by yourself: HaHA nO tHaTs CrAzY

+ Been in a car accident: nOoOpE almOst ThO (aloT)

+ Watched the smurfs: HAhA Ya MaN wHen I WaS lIl GrL

+ Seen the white house: YES I HAVE!!! wHen wE wEnT tO wAShInGtOn Dc fOr R sChOOl TriP tHiNgY

+ Hiked a mountain: nOt A rEaL MoUNtAiN

+ Been skinny dipping: hAhA HmMM MayBe...

+Stayed home on a Saturday/Friday night just because: yAaA sUmtImEs..

+ Been in love: yA..wElL No... oR aT lEaSt i ThOugHt i wAs

+ Tried to make cookies from scratch: cAn u sAy biG meSs?

+ Cold or hot: HoTt

+ Lace or satin: SatIn

+ Blue or red: BlUe

+ New or old: NeW..wELL mAybE oLd ToO

+ Roses or daises: RoSes MuCH mOrE RoMantIC

+ Chocolate or ice cream: iCe CrEaM

+ Winter or fall: fAlL, mY bDaY

+ Science or history: sCiEncE..hIstOrYs ToO zZzZzZz

+ Do you like some one right now: NoOoPe

+ Do you have a secret crush: SaDlY nO

+ What do you like in boys: iM nOt qUiTE SuRe..SuMhOw I jUst StaRt tO fAlL fOr Um..ThEreS jUst SuMtHin BoUt Um..Ya cAnT eXpLAin..

+ Muscular or not: iT dOnT rEallY mATtER..BuT dAmN tHeM bOyS lOok gOoOoD!

+ Do you want a guy to ask your dad before he asks you out: HeLl No..PsH

+ Athletic or not: iT dOsNt ReAlly mAtTEr To Me..

+ Do you want your b/f to get you chocolate or jewelrey: NoO i DoNt WanA GuY wHo HaS tO bUY mE nEthInG jUts To lIkE Me-my LoVe DoNt CoST A thAnG


+ Who is your funniest friend: RyAn aLLisOn HaHA oMg BoY uR cRaZY!

+ Who do you email the most: NoBoDY i OnLy tAlK oN aIm ReAlLy...

+ Know the best: KiMbErLy NiCoLe McEvOy

+ The coolest: mUh BoYs!


+ Walk in the Rain: SuMtIMeS..

+ Give hugs: yEeEeES!!

+ If you got a tattoo what would it be: LoL wElL juTS hAvE tO WaiT n SeE...

+ Ever had that falling dream: wUtTt?

+ Whats the weirdest habit you have: HhaHA aWw sAyInG DALLAR! AhH!

+ What turns you on: ;)

+ What turns you off: :(


+ Do you have a crush?: nOpE..

+ How long have you liked him/her: ....

+ Why do you like this person?: ....

+ If you're single, why are you single?: cUz I cANt FiNdA fRiekEN gUy ThaT I lIkE(CanT wAiT tIlL rOCkY :) )

+ How long was your longest relationship?: AbOuT 3 mOnThS MaYbE

+ How long was your shortest relationship?: 1 wEeK i ThInk


This/That: ThAt!

Brunette/Blonde: bRuNeTtE LoL

White/Black: bLaCk

Summer/Winter: SUMMER!! aLl Da wAy

Fall/Spring: sPrInG!

Saturday/Sunday: sAtUrDay! PaRtAy!

Candy/Pop: cAnDy! (SuCKeRs:) )

Ocean/Lake/Pool: pOoL AnD tHa OcEaN

Britney/Christina: nOoOnE

Mandy/Jessica: nEiThA


Pop/Punk: BoTh

Prep/Skater: SkATeR dUdE! hAha rOCk On lOl

Hippie/Goth: hIiIiIpPiE..PEaCe

Nerd/Dork: BoTh!! :-P

Purple/Pink: PeRtY pInK

Dark/Light: LiGhT!

Boxers/Briefs: BrIeFs BaBaY hAha NoOo EiTheR

MTV/VH1: mTv


+ Number: 20 BaBy!!

+ Color: bAby BlUe

+ Day: FrIdAy N saTuRdAY

+ Month: HmM i LiKe AloTa ThE mOntHs

+ Song Of The Moment: CaMeL tOe :-P

+ Movie: ToOo MaNy

+. Food: PiZzzZZA

+ Band: tOoOo mAnY-i HatE nSyNc AnD bSb! aHh


+ Drink: lEmOnAdE

+ Veggie: hMmmM...

+ Radio station: b100

+ Store: AmERiCaN eAgLe

+ Expression: hAPPy

+ Shampoo: HeRbaL eSsEnCeS

+ Season: SUMMER BABY!!!

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-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*lOvE,BaIlIe -:¦:-.·´