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So am I still waiting For this world to stop hating Can't find a good reason Can't find hope to believe in

Taught me that I can feel feelings Ive *never* felt before
Taught me to hold on to something good when I find it
And Living:
Taught me to never regret

i MiSs Da DaYs U HeLd Me & Da DaYs i HeArD Ur VoIcE i MiSs da DaYs U WeRe HeRe Us FaLLiN aPaRt WaS NoT My ChOiCe i MiSsEd da DaYs U KiSsEd Me & da FeELiNs We UsTa ShO BuT MoSt Of aLL i MiSs Da GuY I uSta KnO

* L o V e *
ItS HarD 2 FinD...EaSy 2 LoSe
MaKeS You FeeL GooD...BuT HurtS So Bad
OpenS Ur EyeS But MakeS U BlinD
FillS Up Ur HearT & TearS It AparT

*If u are goin to luv me luv me deeply If u break my heart then break it all If u are goin to care care for me completely If u decide not to hold me then just let me fall If u are going to stay then stay forever And if u wana leave then do it today If u r goin to change change for the better And if u are going to talk then please mean what u say*

*SoMeTiMeZ tHeRe cOuLd Be a SeCoNd ChAnCe-
cAuSe mAyBe TiMe WaSnT rEaDy fOr tHa FiRsT OnE...

*tHiNgS wOrTh HaViNg*
...aRe WoRtH wAiTiNg FoR...

. . GOD GRANT ME . .

.·:*ItZ sAd 2 ThInK yOu'LL NeVa Be MiNe
BuT Itz sAdDeR tHaT i KnEw tHaT tHa WhOlE tImE*:·.

.i WaNnA sEe YoU wAnNa bE wIth You.
.i WaNnA hUg yOu wAnNa KiSs YoU.
.BuT tHeReS oNe tHiNg i DoNt wAnNa dO.
.aNd tHaT oNE tHiNg iS [LoSe YoU].

i ThInK iTs BeTtEr To Be AlonE
tHaT wAy ..No OnE cAn HuRt mE..

DiD u EvA NoTiSs...
tHa GuY u aLwAyZ sEeM 2 LiKe,
NeVa sEeMz 2 LiKe U.
n ThA gUy that aLwAyZ sEeMz 2 LiKe U,
u JuS KaNt SeEm 2 LiKe.

*It ToOk Me By A CoMpLeTe SuPriSe*
*!*WhEn My HeArT GoT LoSt In HiS EyEz*!*
*!*HeZ NoT At ALL WhAt I WaS LoOkiN FoR*!*
HeZ ALL I WaNt~AnD So MuCh MoRe

«…:¤¨¨¤:……:¤¨¨¤:…» Things will happen in your life that you can't stop. But that's no reason to shut out the world; there is a purpose for the good and the bad. «…:¤¨¨¤:……:¤...¤:…»

×ø-LoVe iZ ThaT cAn'T EaT-×ø
×ø-CaN't sLeEp-×ø
×ø-ReAcH for ThE sTaRz-×ø
×ø-OvEr tHe FeNcE-×ø
×ø-WoRLd SeRiEz kInDa ThInG-×ø

a lil confused
feelin a lil abused
i guess you could say
i wuz used

aLL i WaNt iS sOmEonE rEaL
i DoNt WaNt a BrOkEn hEaRt
Or JuS aNoThEr LoVe tHaTLL fALL aPaRt

Always trust your heart cuz even tho its on the left its...
*ALWAYS* rite

Angels are there for you even when everyone else hates you

BeCaRfUl WhO U TrUsT...
DoNt LiStEn 2 Ne1 ThAt GeTs In YuR WaY..
Do WhAt U FeEl iS RiTe & FuCk WhAt OtHaS SaY

DaYz CoNtInUe To PaSs
StArZ cOnTiNuE tO sHiNe
Y dO i HaVe TeArZ iN mY EyEz
WhEn u WeRe NEVER MiNe?!?

Dont cry because its over...PUNCH THE OTHER BITCH IN THE FACE

Don't go and break my heart
Don't make my world dark and gray
Don't go be with her
She won't treat you the way I do
She won't be there for you the way I will
She won't love you like I do..

don't talk to me, don't look at me
no we can't just be friends
this lil game we've got going
it's all gotta end
yew can't flirt with me lyk it's nothing
because you're breaking a heart
mai entire world, because of yew,
is falling apart
so pleez, go your own way and i'll go myne
i'm gonna get over yew
i juss gotta take mai time

Dont worry about fallin in love cuz in most fairytales they dont find each other till
[[ T . h . e. L .a s .t . p . a . g . e ]]

Everyone says to give up on you,
but they dont see you like I do.
Your the one who broke my heart,
your the reason my world fell apart,
Your the one who made me cry,
yet I still luv you...and i dont know why...

Everythings not -PeRfEcT-
ive just decided to look beyond
all the -ImPeRFeCtIoNz

FoR OnCe I wAnNa Be ThE oNe dAt mAkEz tHe PlAyA fAlL
i wAnNa Be ThE gUrL wHo MaDe HiM cHaNgE n GiVe HiS aLl
FoR oNcE i WanNa Be ThE gUrL wHo GoT hIm To QuIt hIs GaMe n
DrAw HeArTz ArOuNd My NaMe

Growing up sucks....and not all kisses are magic, and most boys do not live up to your expectations. But there are those times when everything, I mean love, romance, all falls together perfectly, and its's those moments, no matter how depressingly few and far between that make growing up worth it. And it'll be okay

How can you just up and leave though? Give up on what we may have had, and act like it mean nothing to you?" Remember, you said "I Love You" first. "It's amazing what three little words can do to a girl." Esspecially when you take them back

I can't predict the future
I can't change the past
But i know now in the present
My love for you will *always* last

i dont luv how u act all the time..its the person i kno u really are
.:*that i love*:.

I dont understand a god that would allow us to meet, When there is no way for us to be together