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FriEnDsHiP QuOtEs

fREiNdS PiCk U uP WeN U TriP & FaLL
{bEst fRiENDs LaUgH AnD TrIp U aGaIn)

i gUt MaD iNSiDe jOkEs WiD tHiS gUrL rIgHt hEa
bAiLiE nD KiMbErLy
DeF tWo BeSt FrEnZ tHrUoUt tHa yEaRs

gUrL uR mAh bEsT fRiEnD n iT WiLL aLwAyS b LyK tHaT nO mAtTa wUt iMa hAvE uR bAk

bAiLiE nD kImBeRlY
gUt MaD iNsIdE jOkEs
wE sHaRe eVeRyThInG.. fRuM cLoThEs 2 CoKeS
sHe MaH nUmBa 1 BeSt FrIeNd
nD DiS fRiEnDsHiP iS GuNnA LaSt TiL tHa EnD

FrieNdZ LaUgH aT aLL mY JoKeZ ...
PuT uP WitH mY WoRsT mOoDz ...
gO aLonG WitH mY cRazY iDeaS ...
aNd sTiLL MaNaGe tO sEe tHe BesT iN mE

.:*sometimes i wonder where id be*:.
.:*if i neva met you -n- you neva met me*:.
.:*who would i laugh with and cry till da end*:.
.:*where would i be w.o my best friends*:.

WeVe aLwAyZ bEeN MaDd TiGhT FoReVeR fRiEnDz ..
YeA dAtZ rIgHT We sHaRe cLoThEz n MaKEuP ..BrAiNwAvEz tOo
WiTHOuT hER i DuNo WHAt iD dO

- ChiCz BeFoRe DiCkZ -
- BeLLaZ BeFoReFeLLaZ -
- SiStAhZ BeFoReMiStAhZ -
- HoEz BeFoReBrOz -
- SoRRy FeLLaz ThAtZ HoW iT GoEz -

ThRo TrUth-LiEs-SMiLeS-n-DiSpAiR
a HuG-a GiGgLe-a hOwS mY HaiR
I kNo uL B tHeR tiL tHe End
My SiStAz 4 Eva-My TrU BeSt FrIeNd-

You'll always be my best friend, you know too much!"

When your looking for a friend don't look for perfection, just look for friendship."

When it hurts to look back and your scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there."

We MaY FiGhT aNd We MaY cRy.
BuT mY LoVe fOr yOu WiLL nEvEr DiE.
I'LL cArE fOr YoU TiLl ThE eNd.
BeCaUsE yOuR mY bEsTeSt fRiEnD!"

u gUrLz MaH gUrL n i LoVe yOo wE WiLL b mAd TiTe nO mAtTa wUt LyF TaKeS uS tHrU i GuT Ya BaK nO mAtTa wUt gUrL ur tHa BeSt ThInG tHaT i gUt iT WiLL aLwAyS b yOo n mE tHaTs rItE.. wE sIsTeRz 4 eTeRnIty

ThRu aLL dA dRaMa & CrYiN
HeArTbRaKeS & hArDtImEs
i KnOw ThEy'LL aLwAyS cArE
CoZ mY gIrLz r ALwAyS tHeRe

sUm PpLz sAy bEsT fReNz 4 eVa nD tHeN tHeY LeT gO LyF wIt oUt mAh gUrLz nD BoYz iS SuMtHiN i dOnT wAnNa nO

oUt oF oUr MiNdS..
mAd cRaZi TYmEs
i LoVe mAh gUrLz.
tHeY mAh pArTnErS iN cRiMe

Our relatives are the family that we are born with, our friends are the family we choose."

OuR fRiEnDsHiP iS [uNbReAkAbLe]
MaH GUrL iS [uNmIsTaKaBLe]

mE nD u HaVe MaD CrAzI TyMeS SwEnTyfOuR/sEvEn
Us 2 ChIcZ aRe LyK aNgeLz FrUm HeAvEn
wE tHa TrUeSt PaRkBuDdIz wHo aLwAyS sTiCk 2gETHa I
LoVe u gUrL nD wE GuNnA sTaY bEsT fReNz nOw uNtIl 4eVa

iTs iMpOrTaNt 2 sTiCk tOGeThA oUr wHoLe LyF LoNg
aLL oUr FiGhTs HaS MaDe OuR bOnD eVeN mOrE sTrOnG
wE GeT tHrU eVeRyThInG 2gEtHa
nD wE r gUnNa sTiCk 2GeThA fOrEvEr aNd eVeR

nD mAh gUrLz aRe 1 oF a [ K i N d*]
i GuT LoVe 4 DeM TiL tHa EnD oF [T y M*]

MaH gUrLz i LoVe DeM
iLL nEvEr pLaCe nEtHiNg aBoVe DeM
TaLkIn oN tHa FoNe LaTe aT NiGht
nUtHiN WiLL CoMe bEtWeEn uS.. nO MiStA oR nO FiGhT

LiViN 2gEtHa.
cRyIn 2gETHa
i sWeAr 2 gOd mE Nd mAh fReNz r gUnNa dIe 2geThA

iM sO tHaNkFuL 4 u sTaYiN bY MaH sIdE
aLwAyS ToLd tHa tRuTh nD bAreLy eVa LiEd
wE HaVe MaD CrAzI aZz TyMeS 2gEtHa
WiLL i BaiL oN yOo?.. DeF NeVa!

fUnNeSt TYMeS gUrL jUsS u nD mE
bEsT fReNz TiL tHa eNd oF eTeRnItY

mE nD u aRe 2 cLoSe FrEnZ
I nO iTs gUnNa sTaY tHiS wAy TiL tHa vEry eNd
wE MaY nOt gO 2 tHa SaMe sKoO
bUt yOo aRe jUsS sO DaMn kOoL
iLL b hEa 2 dRy yA tEaRs
nD iLL HaVe yA BaKk tHrU oUt tHa yEaRs

Good friends come and good friends go, but only the best friends stick around forever."

friendship is talking to your best friend without words."

Friendship is one mind in two bodies."

Friends are the siblings God forgot to give us."

Friends are born, not made."

I got your back You got mine,
I'll help you out Anytime.
To see you hurt To see you cry,
Makes me weep And wanna die.
And if you agree To never fight,
It wouldn't matter Who's wrong or right.
If a broken heart Needs a mend,
I'll be right there To the end.
If your cheeks are wet From drops of tears,
Don't you worry, Let go of your fears.
Hand in hand, Love is sent,
We'll be friends Till the end!!

CrOsS uR HaRt & hOpE 2 DiE
ClOtHeZ & MaKeUp BoYs & LiEs
4EvA TiLL tHe EnD
DeFiNiTiOn Of uS: TrUe BeSt FriENdz

kIm* eVeN tHo We MaY ByTcH nD FiGhT(even tho we dont :)) I nO DaT iN tHa eNd wE WiLL aLwAyS sTaY tIgHt iM sOo gLaD i CaN cOuNt oN yOo If wE wErEnT BeSt fReNz wHo nO*z wUt i*D dO

BeSt FrIeNdZ FoReVeR
iS WhAt We'LL ReMaIn
ThRoUgH DrAmA aNd PrObLeMs
aNd aLL SoRtS oF PaIn
TrOuGh HaRdShIpS *n* tRoUbLeS
aNd aLL We'Ve BeEn tHrOuGh
We'LL aLwAyS sTaY TrUe

BeSt fReNz 4 LyF iS wUt wE sAy wE cHiLL 2gEtHa eVeRy dAy iM hEa 4 tHeM tHrU nEtHiNg aT aLL nD i gUt tHeIr BaKkz wEn dEy gUnNa FaLL

aLL oF oUr FiGhTs MaKe oUr FrIeNdShIp
[s. T. r. O. n. G. e. R.]
tHaTs wHy wE aRe GuNNA B BeSt FrEnZ 4 LyF nD
[L. o. N. g. A.]

A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life."

* Its an incredible thing when two complete strangers become the best of friends, but its so sad when the best of friends become two strangers.

* I guess i just have to learn to accept that you aren't the person i once knew and we aren't the best friends we once were.