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Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! $weetN$exy quotes God made Elvis God made Tom, God made me dom dom dom! God made girls, he made them flexy. God me made me so dam sexy. God made boys, he made them cute. God made you.....well we all make mistekes! It takes 2 people to start a conversation. no wonder you neva talk 2 blonde people walked into a building. you would have thought they woukld have seen it! U Might think I'm ugly, U might think I'm Grouse, But baby boi u said yes 4 the first time I might not be everything! but to u, i can be UR everything I wish i could wake up again with u by my side If i could have 1 wish, and 1 wish only then it would be 4 me to be ur baby gurl I wish i new what love could be? cuz then saing yes wouldnt have been my problem Baby boi without u im nuthin, so come over here and make u mine Guyz arent just guyz, till u have 1 by ur side If i realized i liked u sooner , then im pretty sure u would have been mine I luv (name) yes i do, he's for me and not for you, by any chance u take my place, i'll take my fist and smash yer face Roses are red, violets are blue, im 100% damn sexy, what the hell are u?¿? He loves me he loves me not.....wait what do i care Im liveing prof that blonds can bee smarrt be kind..get all..that you can find if you want to go faster get a nascar If I didn't say it don't assume it Kiss me once..Kiss me three times ..and i juss might bite!!! ~*~Excuse me, but my friend wants to know if you think I'm hot~*~ Smoking can really kill a person....(Name) should try it someday!!! The ones closet to you are the ones that hurt you the most I hate (name)! Wait...thats not very nice-I DISLIKE (name) VERY greatly! ¶!§umbody cÁre§ ¥ou àre âlïve ßÜt it §ure ¡sn`t me!¶ *I swear I wasn't talking to him, we were flirting.* *I do it because I can**I can because I want to**I want to because you said I couldn't* *Life is like a popsickle when it melts just try and freeze it back!* ··÷··bAnGiN hOtT oNe Of A kInD··÷··i GoT aLl ThE gUyZ sAyIn WhOa ShEs FiNe··÷·· Some people are alive just because it's against the law to kill them! SeX iS LiKE pEpsI--- AlwayZ asking for more! Screw Snapple I’m the Best stuff on Earth!!! MENtal anxiety,MEN breakdowns, MENstral cramps, MENopause!!! Did you ever notice how all women's problems begin with MEN!?!?!? Diamond Ring - $1,000 BANG BANG Outfit - $150 Victoria's Secret Bra - $35 .. Look on your face when I turn your azz down.. $-PRICELESS-$ only stick ur tongue out if u intend on using it WhY Is It WhEn He LiKeS YoU…YoU DoNt LiKe HiM, BuT WhEn YoU LiKe HiM, He DoEsNt LiKe YoU?! iM TiReD oF TrYiNg, Im TiReD oF CrYiNg, I KnOw iVe BeEn SmiLiNg BuT iNsiDe iM DyInG Two tear drops were floating down the river. One teardrop said to the other, "I'm the teardrop of a girl who loved a man and lost him. Who are you?"..."I'm the teardrop of the man who regrets letting a girl go..." While you gave her flowers, you gave me thorns. While all she did was smile, all I did was mourn. While she was happy, I felt so blue. Because while you loved her, I was loving you.. U GotA HuRt iN OrDeR 2 kNO- -FaLL In oRdEr 2 GrOw- -LoSe iN OrDeR 2 gAiN-..CuZ MoSt Of LiFeS LeSsOnS.. ((-aRe LeArNeD beCauSe oF pAiN-)) its got to be a sin to look THIS good! When I Walk Around, The Guys Stare In My Direction, I Can’t Blame Them I’m Pure Perfection!!….. If Every Word I Said Made You Smile, I’d Talk Forever... Never Mess With A Cheerleader, She’ll Drag You Down To Her Level And Beat You With Experience….. Sex Is LikE CoCa-CoLa----EnjOY! She makes you fall head over heels, and I can't even trip you?¿:(~*~ It's hard to answer the question What's wrong?- when nothing rite So yeah, I have ALMOST everything I want. But no, i'm not spoiled, cause my daddy wont buy me YOU don't b surprised if a BIG fat red man cums down ur chimney and puts u in a black sack..... i told santa i want u 4 christmas i HaVe a PeN, yOu hAvE a FoNe nUmBeR. tHiNk oF tHe pOsSiBiLiTiEs ·x· I dOnT know what I'd do without u ·x· i don't know where i would be ·x· u aren't just my boyfriend ·x· ur EVERYTHING to me · Whats tommy without chucky? steve without blue? spongebob without patrick? thatz me without you WhEn A Man GoEs On A DaTe He WaNdErS iF hEs GuNnA GeT lUcKy, A wOmEn aLrEaDy KnOwS *** y GeT MaRiEd n' MaKe 1MaN MiSeRaBle wEn I cAn sTaY SiNgLe N' MaKe 1,000's MiSeRaBlE! *** SeX iS LiKe PrInGlEs, 1cE YoU 'Pop' U jUsT CaNt StOp pLayEtE of the yr.- PiMpEte of the season-uR BoYfRiEnD left u and Im the ReAsOn- So wach ur BacK n make sum RoOm cuz dis CuTiE is CoMiN throO*** SeX is like sNoW ya neva noe how many InChEs youre gona get or how LoNg it will LaSt ||* I'm iRrSsiStiBLe.. NoN cOmPeTibLe *|| ||* nOt SaYiN i'M tHe BeSt.. i'M jUsT iNcReDiBLe*|| ..BaBy BoY iM dIgGiN YoO....CuZ u MakE mE WaNNa dO aLL TheM ThiNgZ....i WaS TAuGhT i WaSnT SuPPoSeD 2.. iM tHa hUnNiE WiT dAh SeXy SmILe R ThA hOe TrYiN tA jOcK mY sTyLe! u ThInK u GoT gAmE u ThInK u A wInNa WeLL cOmPaReD tO mE u JuSt a BeGiNnA i DoNt HaTe u Or DeSpIsE yOu i CaLL u a WhOrE sImPlY cOz iT dEsCrIbEz U ::CaTcH a BrEaTh:: ::PiNcH uR wRiSt:: =YeS iTz TrU..I dO ExSiSt= I cAn MakE yA sTuDdA wHeN u CaLl MaH nAmE**CoZ eVeRy FeLLaZ hOoKeD iN tHiS hOtTiEs GaMe* *iDoLiZeD oR dEsPiSeD*...EiThEr WaY...*iM gEtTiN rEcOnIzEd* DiS iS fOr My: PRADA pals GUCCI gals POLO princessez HARDTAIL hunnies MAVI mommas BUFFALO bytches ABERCROMBIE angels JUICY COUTURE japs/caps LIMITED luvas CHANNEL chikas DKNY darlings FENDI friends GUESS guyz KATESPADE kids PUMA punks SEPHORA stylers and TIFFANY talkers ImMaTaTeD By ByChEz DaT nEvA dUpliCAtEd My RiChEz OvA raTed n PLaYa HaTed By dOsE FaKe LIL bOyS i DaTeD AnGeL mUh AsS iMmA ByTcH wIt CLaSs! i HoW cAn u MaKe mE fALL fOr u WhEn u HaVe nO iNtEnTiOn tO cAtCh mE? I cry everynite wishing u were mine but when i talk to you,you make everything fine you broke my heart and thats a true crime All I wanted was for you to make time!!! If you had to choose between me and the world, which would you pick? if you chose the world, you would lose me but if you chose me I'd give you the world *-;-Anytime you want me just say so-;-**-;-Cause when it comes to you I can't say no-;-* I know I shouldn't love you so I convince myself I don't it works for a while until the point where we see each other again and you smile and the logic and convincing just evaporates * BanGin bOotY n sExy ThiGhs ** JuiCy LipS n sEduCtiNg eYez * *i GoT fELLaZ oN tHeRe kNeEs**ScReAmIn -Oh bOo pLeZe!* *·.·.WhEn Da PaRtIeS dOnE aNd ThA LiGhTz Go OuT.·.·**·.·.DeReS nO dOuBt.·.·**·.·.MuH nAmE iS tHe OnE hE sHoUtZ.·.·*
