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*Inside Jokes*

Brandy: "Brandy, you go that way...I'll go this way...and we'll trap him and hit him with the ball!"
Teradactale and Chicken in Parkin Lots!
Buggy race in K-mart Parkin Lot!
Hey say this 3 times fast..."Please Pass the Pasta Patsy!"
"He's OK"..."Stac just wait til he's 80."

Lauren: "Well I've been thinking...Let's just switch guys!"

Stephanie: "Aww...Bunny!"
EEE YAWW...EEE YAWWK (lol) Mating Calls!
Crap!..Stef fell again! Watch out that girls pissed. lol.
Stef...I had another dream of Coach King! HELP ME!!!
"And Stef there were picnic tables in the bowling alley!"
"That was fun wasn't it guys?"..Um..."What guys are you talkin about Stac?"

Tammy: Chocolate Icecream!

Kala: Skrawny Chikin

J: Leopard skin pants!

Dust: "Donkeys Fly" "Kiss a dog." lol