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Hey! This is Bri's webapge! You found it! It's a work in progress so don't judge it just yet. I'm just getting the hang of this.

~*~ All About Me ~*~
Name: Angel
Location: Florida
Sex: Female
Relationship Status: Taken and still going strong!
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

My LoVe LiFe

Casey and I have been together for over 21 months. We had a rough start but everything has seemed to work out in our favor.

I knew the first time I saw you baby that there was something about you that I needed in my life. We have been through tough times together. And all the fun. I wouldn't want to spend any of it with anyone but you. I love you Casey!

Casey and Sabrina
November 29,2002




~*~ Links to My Pages ~*~

Click here to see some Pics

My LoVe LiFe