Yup! This website is currently under construction. This is going to be the next cool Neopets Help Site. I am trying to gather a lot of information for this site so it could be extra cool. First of all you got to know me, my name Marcy and I am a Neopets player for over an year. I live in CA and it's so hot here, but it's cooling, but anyway I am addicted to neopest though. I am so addicted that I decided to make this site. All about Neopets. I am planning toward a Guild Layout, a Background Page, and a Games Tips page or a page that you can learn a lot about Neopest and Info about it. I will also include much more if this site it totally popular and people tends to come to it. I want this page to be at its best. Thanks to HelpYourNeopet and SoupFaerie and also not to mention Pink Poogle Toy which inspired me to do this page. Well, I hope you l ike this page and is as excited as me. I will be happy to be your friend if you just e-mail me, but since my e-mail isn't on yet, you can't so you can always come back when this page is finished. I will be happy to welcome you. So Good Luck in Neopets for now! New Help will appear and help you!

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